Chapter 9: Kate

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Kate’s POV: (Present)

I sat at Luca’s Bar and Grill waiting for McClane to show up. I was kind of worried he wouldn’t show. I mean it’s not like I was the nicest girl back home. Hell I tried to break up Declan and Micah. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t show up but then he wouldn’t get to see how much I’ve grown up. He would still have this image of me as Krazy Katlin and all I want to do is bury and forget about her.

I was starting to get nervous. My manicured nails tapped against my glass as I tried to discreetly look at my cell for the time again. I was about to admit defeat when the front door opened. He stood there looking around the restaurant for a second before his eyes landed on me. Passing by the other tables he came over and sat down.

            “Sorry… Did you know there are four different Luca’s Bar and Grills in this area alone.” He said pulling his napkin into his lap. I could feel myself blushing because he was right. I should have been more specific.

            “Sorry about that I—“I started to apologize but he just shook his head. As he ordered his drink I sat there studying him. He stilled looked the same except around the eyes. He looked more mature more worldly. After the waitress was gone he turned his attention onto me. We talked about everything, his work, the new promotion and the perks of staying the hell away from Sasha Alexander. He asked me about school and life here in North Charleston. I had to admit it wasn’t like home but it was getting there.

            “So tell me… or don’t if you don’t want to. How is Declan and Micah? Their still together aren’t they?” I asked nervously. I didn’t know how he would react to me asking about them. I really didn’t have any right doing so. When he didn’t say anything I understood completely. He’d just seen me again for the first time a few hours ago. Even though I know I’ve done a lot to move forward I’m still the same old crazy girl who wanted to be prom queen.

            “Their good. Declan is working as the head soccer coach at the high school and running the garage for dad. Micah and Harper’s opened their own daycare center. We didn’t think they would move back home but apparently they couldn’t stay away.” He said taking a sip of his beer. Not to sound all mushy but I was happy they were happy. I was happier to know they didn’t let my stupidity get in the way of their lives.

            “What about everyone else?” I asked. He told me about each one, their journey into adulthood their achievements and accomplishments. I felt both pride and sorrow. If I’d been a better person, I would have had a bonded friendship with them. I wouldn’t have to find out about their lives four years later by miracle of running into McClane Crawford. As he talked on I realized something. He hadn’t said anything about Sean Wesley.

            “I hear Sean’s a Marine now. I couldn’t believe it but I guess it makes sense.” I said. It felt like an elephant had come and sat at the table with us. Can you say awkward? I could tell from his body language that the topic of Sean wasn’t open for discussion so I quickly tried to change it. I didn’t want to alienate McClane no matter how much I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

            “So Penny has gotten a full ride academic scholarship to State for next year. I was so proud of her when she called and told me. She’s been travelling back and forth just so she can spend time with me. I told her I don’t mind going home but it’s like she can read my mind. She knows I’m not really ready to go home. I’m just happy she’s talking to me again.” I said taking my soda in hand. I could see his body relax a bit but he was still uncomfortable. I kept babbling nervously because I didn’t know what to do. I was enjoying McClane’s company and I think he was enjoying mine up until I mentioned Sean. He would say a bit here and there but I could see this dinner was over. Instead of dragging it out any longer I called for the check.

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