Chapter 18: SM Pt. 5

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Sean’s POV:

I was nervous. I mean really nervous. I wanted this date to go well. Not because Micah set Troy and I up but because I deserved to be happy. I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror staring at my reflection trying to get it together when I felt my phone buzz. Pulling it from my pocket I felt the corners of my mouth pull up into a small smile. It was a text message from Troy.

                ‘I’m outside.’ It read. I would have invited him in but I didn’t want to push my mom. She wanted to understand but this was still new to her. I was her baby boy and out of respect for my mom I didn’t want to make this any more difficult. Heading to my room I grabbed my coat and scarf. Stuffing my keys into my pocket I took my wallet and turned off the light.

                “Mom, I’m heading out!” I yelled. Poking her head out of the kitchen she smiled.

                “Okay baby. You be careful and call me if you’re going to be late.” She said. Going over to her I kissed her cheek and zipped my coat to my nose. It felt like it was thirty degrees below zero out here but the thermometer read forty degrees. At the end of my driveway sat a black Range Rover. As I got closer the driver’s door opened and a young man came around. Even buried underneath layers of clothing he was smoking hot. Holding out his hand he shook mine and introduced himself.

                “I’m Troy, nice to meet you Sean.” He said. It felt like I was drowning in his eyes. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to snap out of the daze he’d put me under.

                “Nice to meet you too.” I said breathlessly. Opening the door for me he allowed me to climb in. Once I was tucked safely inside he closed the door and headed for the driver’s seat. Instead of butterflies it felt like I had bats inside my stomach. Once back inside the Range Rover Troy turned on the radio letting it play in the background softly. Turning to me he let his baby blues rove over my face before letting his eyes connect with mine. His gaze was so direct and penetrating I could feel myself blushing a bit.

                “So what movie are we going to see?” He asked. Shrugging my shoulders I tried to keep calm.

                “Whatever you want to see is fine I’ve been cooped up at school for so long anything is good.” I chuckled. Nodding Troy put the Range Rover into drive and we were off.

                “Micah said you were at the Naval Academy, how is it so far?” Grinning I thought back to all the guys in my class. We were a bunch of goof offs but we were good goof offs. They were the kind of guys I wanted to have my back if we were ever stationed in some God forsaken jungle. They were fun to be around and I knew in a time of crisis I could count on them.

                “It’s great so far. Don’t get me wrong it’s hard as hell but I was expecting it. The people are good and I’m learning.” I said. After that Troy and I talked about various other things but I couldn’t help but notice it seemed a little forced.

                ‘He’s nervous just like you. Give him a break.’ My conscience said. Of course it was right. From what Micah told me this was Troy’s first official date. I’ve had plenty of dates and I wanted this one to be special for him. As we pulled up into the parking lot I squashed the jittery feelings and climbed out. We walked across the parking lot laughing at one of Troy’s story’s involving Micah and streaking across the campus. Purchasing our tickets we headed for the concession stand and bought us a bucket of popcorn we would share. By the time we sat down for the movie I was relaxed and ready to have a good time.

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