Chapter 39: AS

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Avery’s POV:

This fucker is fast. I didn’t expect him to be so fast. He was dodging and moving all over the place making getting a clean shot difficult. I could feel Dover beside me as we chased him through the burned building. I saw Donavon duck to his left and head towards an opening in the wall.

I raised my glock to take a shot when a round sounded off from Dover’s gun. Skidding to a stop Donavon turned and glared at us. His eyes looked to be glass, shining with fever. Tilting his head to the side he exposed his red raw neck it seemed his skin was peeling away exposing the flesh underneath.

                “You’ve got nowhere to go!” Dover called out. Looking to Dover Donavon snarled at bit then his eyes cut to me.

                “If I die, I’m taking you with me soldier boy!” He said. Taking a step towards Dover he pulled his knife from his pocket.

                “You don’t want to do this Donavon.” I called out trying to catch his attention. It was like I wasn’t even there. His attention was solely on Dover. Taking another step forward Donavon’s face contorted into a joker-ish mask.

                “All I wanted was for Katlin to forgive me and you ruined that playing hero. She would have given in if not for you. You’re the reason why I’m drowning in this karma. I could have been free if not for you!” He yelled charging straight at Dover. Taking a few steps back Dover screamed for Donavon to stop but like the deranged nut he was he kept going.

Firing a warning shot Dover kept the distance between them but he was running out of room. Dover’s back almost hit the wall behind him when I closed my eyes and raised my glock. It felt like the world had begun to move in slow motion.

I could see the sweat on Dover’s face as he yelled for Donavon to stand down. The footsteps of approaching people echoed off the crumbling walls and all I could think about was the promise I made Kate. Pushing off I ran for Dover.  Donavon Walker had to be stopped. I felt my body as it collided with Dover’s, my shoulder hitting him pushing him from Donavon’s slashing knife. Pointing the barrel of my gun to his chest I opened fire. As Donavon’s body felt to the ground police appeared their guns drawn pointing at Dover and myself.

                “DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” They called out. Doing just that I brought my hands up behind my hand as they approached us. Kicking our weapons away one of the officers kicked Donavon’s leg but there was no response.

                “He’s dead.” He muttered as he pulled out his handcuffs. Pulling Dover’s arms behind him he began to handcuff him when there was a shout from the front of the building.

                “Officer Morano, Sanchez what’s your location?” Stepping back one of the officer’s waved their hands.

                “Over here Chief Michaelsen.” He said. A tall muscular man with graying temples entered the room. Looking to Dover then to Donavon his eyes finally landed on me.

                “Avery… what the hell is this son?” He asked motioning for me to stand.

                “I knew you all wouldn’t make it in time so I came to stall for time.” I explained. Looking to Donavon Chief Michaelsen frowned.

                “This is going to turn into a fucking circus.” He muttered as he walked around the crime scene carefully.

                “Be careful Chief, he was HIV positive.” Someone said from the fray of officers. Looking to Dover I watched his eyes widen and then cut to the floor where the burned concrete was soaked in Donavon’s blood.

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