Chapter 14: KDM

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Kate’s POV:

I woke from some kind of pressure pressing into my chest. I was being smothered to death. Half of my body was pinned under McClane’s causing it to go numb and I couldn’t get free. I could feel my legs twitching a bit from the lack of blood and my arms felt detached from my body. Looking at McClane he doesn’t look that large but if anyone said that to me now I would try my best to cause them pain.

What the hell had he been eating? It felt like he was triple his body weight and it was all crushing me to death. My head was trapped between his body and the mattress. I couldn’t turn it without snapping my neck so I did the only logical thing I could. I bit the hell out of McClane. He jumped off the bed like someone had zapped him with a cattle pod.

            “What the hell!” He yelled rubbing his collar bone. I inhaled as much oxygen I could. I could feel my blood rushing through my veins like a tsunami tidal wave. It took me a minute but I finally was able to sit up. Glaring at me McClane went to the mirror to inspect the damage.

            “You were killing me.” I croaked. Looking back at me McClane’s anger had disappeared instantly. Frowning I tried to stand but my legs weren’t having that.

            “What?” I asked a bit scared of what he’d say. Shaking his head McClane took a step back and pointed to the mirror. When he stepped aside I could see my reflection and I almost choked on my own saliva. My face was beet red with angry maroon lines criss-crossing over my skin. My hair looked like a bird’s nest that had been hit by a tornado. And to top it off there was dried drool on my forehead and I knew for a fact it wasn’t mine.

            “I look like a fucking Halloween monster.” I said pushing off the bed once again. This time I made it and inched my way to the mirror ignoring the stabbing pain shooting up my legs. The closer I got the farther McClane backed away.

            “I’m so sorry.” He said when he saw my eyes widen from closer inspection. I quickly closed my eyes and started my breathing exercises. I was trying to hold on to Kate but Katlin was there and she was not happy with this.

            “McClane… if you value your life you will go… I don’t care where… just go... go get breakfast now and after my shower we’ll talk about your next step.” I said. I could feel my eye starting to twitch so I knew it was time to take my medication before I went all ‘Krazy Katlin’ on him. Taking my bag in hand I pulled out my pill box and popped it open. While I took my pills I could hear McClane pulling on his pants and shoes.

            “So I’ll go and get breakfast now.” He said grabbing the car keys.

           “I want blueberry waffles.” I said heading for the bathroom. McClane had gone towards the door but paused. Turning back to me he shifted nervously before clearing his throat.

            “I’m sorry I drooled—“He started but I quickly stopped him.

            “If you mention this to anyone and I will cut you McClane… and that’s not Krazy Katlin talking that’s Kate talking now go.” I didn’t give him a chance to agree before I stepped through the bathroom door and shut it firmly behind me.

Dover’s POV:

When I got back to the barracks it was well into the wee hours of the morning. After I turned in the keys I wondered over to the family center. Even though Julie wasn’t there to talk to me it still made me feel better being there. I sat behind her counter replaying the night’s events over in my head. With each pass it made me even more depressed than before. I would have stayed in the family center if the night security hadn’t kicked me out. I took my slow time getting back to the barracks.

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