Chapter 43: MDM

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McClane's POV:

It's been two weeks with no word from Dover. When we got home word had spread like wildfire. Memorials for Sean had been popping up everywhere. It annoyed me that they had already written Sean off to being dead. He wasn't dead… he couldn't be dead. Opening my eyes I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom. I hadn't moved in four days. Okay that's a lie, I've gone to the bathroom and the kitchen for beer but other than that I haven't moved. My parents worried about me being alone. They were constantly at my house trying to get me to eat something or go out. Time after time I refused to even consider it. Then finally my dad showed up with Declan, Micah and Bryant. In the driveway sat a moving truck complete with movers.

                "What's going on?" I slurred just a bit. I was sober but not completely, it was a good thing I'd put in for a leave of absence otherwise I could have ended up in bed with Sasha again. Looking at me my dad shook his head and headed for the kitchen. Pulling the fridge open he proceeded to pull out all my alcohol and pour it down the drain.

                "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled trying to stop him but my motor skills were a bit unstable. He didn't even have to try to push me away I was so drunk I literally crumbled like wet paper.

                "Your mother and I have talked it over and we aren't in the mood to go to your funeral so I brought the boys here and they'll pack your shit and the movers will put it on the truck. You're going to take a shower and I mean a good one because you stink like hell. You will brush your teeth and wash your face. You will get dressed and then we're going home." He said calmly as he threw away the last of my liquor.

                "Dad you had no right--" I was interrupted by the slamming of a glass bottle onto the kitchen counter.

                "I HAVE NO RIGHT?! I WILL NOT SIT IDLY BY WHILE MY SON DRINKS HIMSELF TO DEATH. LIFE IS PAIN, TO FEEL PAIN IS TO KNOW YOU'RE ALIVE. YOU CAN'T BE ALIVE IF YOU'RE DRINKING YOUR WEIGHT IN LIQUOR TO STAY NUMB YOU MORON! NOW I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN, GO TAKE A SHOWER, GET DRESSED BECAUSE WE'RE LEAVING!!!" He screamed. Everyone stood frozen for a moment letting the last of his words finish echoing through the house. I could feel a blush working its way across my face. Turning away I stumbled towards the stairs. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I climbed.

                "Declan, go with him. Bryant you can start in the living room and Micah start in the office. I'll let the movers know they can start moving the big furniture out then I'll start in the kitchen." My dad ordered. When I reached my bedroom I stood there staring at the bed.

                "That was so fucking embarrassing." I mumbled as Declan came to stand next to me.

                "Yep… that was… sure glad it happened to you and not to me." He chuckled. Turning to him I frowned then started for the bathroom.

                "You're an ass." I muttered stripping off my robe.

                "You're a drunk." He countered. Pausing I flipped him a bird and threw my robe at him.

                "Asshole!" I yelled closing the door behind me.

                "I love you too." Declan laughed. When we got home I could feel the effects of the alcohol leaving my body… dad was right when he said life was pain because this shit hurt like hell. Slithering out of the car I crawled to the house where my mom stood waiting for me. I would have looked her in the eyes if I hadn't had them squeezed shut to keep out the sunlight.

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