Chapter 12: Kate

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Kate’s POV:

Oh no…

Oh no... What’s happening?!

Oh no!!! What the fuck is happening?!

It was like a bad traffic accident. You know you should look away to prevent yourself from witnessing the casualties but you can’t tear your eyes away. McClane stood there watching Sean literally run while the other guy stood there looking dazed and confused. I was off my stool and at McClane’s side within a blink of an eye.

            “What happened?” I asked looking to  McClane then to the other Marine.

            “I have no idea. I thought he’d be happy to see Micah.” He said scratching his head.

           ‘Shit, shit, shit, damn, fuck, shit, shit! He thinks McClane was Micah… oh shit… this is… fuck!’ I yelled in my head.

           “I’m not Micah.” McClane said his eyes never leaving the swinging doors. Looking to McClane then to me the Marine took a step back.

           “You’re not? If you’re not Micah who the fuck are you then?” He said. We did not have time for this. I went to the door looking out into the parking lot searching for Sean. He couldn’t have gone far. We needed to find him and—

           “None of your fucking business!” McClane snapped. I turned back to them to see both of them toe to toe, nostrils flared and fist clenched. Damn it man! Letting go of the door I was between them pushing the Marine back with all my might. Granted he didn’t go far but it was a good push for me.

            “What the hell?!” I yelled blocking McClane from advancing any further.

            “Who in the hell are you two?!” He barked. I wanted to step back away from him because this Marine was scary as hell but I held my ground.

            “I could ask you the same question. Where did Sean go?” I asked yanking off my sunglasses and scarf. When I mentioned Sean’s name he must have realized something because his eyes got as big as saucers.

            “SHIT, SEAN!!” He yelled running out the door. Turning to McClane I caught his now teary face in between my hands.

            “Wait here!” I said before sprinting out after him. By the time I spotted them in the parking lot they were in their jeep speeding towards the exit. Running as fast as I could I jumped in front of the gate and held out my arms.

            “YOU BETTER FUCKING STOP THAT JEEP!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. I could hear the screeching of tires and screams from bystanders around. When I opened my eyes the jeep was a few inches from me. I stood there glaring at them all the while thanking GOD he stopped. Reaching over the other Marine yanked the keys from the ignition and jumped out.

            “ARE YOU CRAZY LADY!!” He yelled. I stood there chest heaving and my heart in my throat. I sent another pray thanking GOD for not letting me piss my pants. After all my prayer and thanks were sent I looked to the Marine and growled.

            “Yeah I am.” Stomping around to the driver’s side I yanked open the door.

            “What the fuck Sean?” His head snapped up and his face turned spooky white.

            “KATLIN?!” He yelled. He sat there slack jawed while I stood there glaring at him.

            “Yeah, yeah Krazy Katlin blah, blah, blah, you fucking ran.” I said dismissing his shock. Turning his head away Sean sat there silent before climbing from the jeep’s driver seat.

            “I don’t know what he’s told you but—“I didn’t give him a chance to go back into the past. Nothing would get resolved if we all stayed in the past. Slapping my hand over his mouth I shook my head.

            “I only know shit got really real in Fiji and four years passed by letting wounds fester and thoughts grow poisonous. He’s not here to magically make everything better because he knows it won’t happen like that. He’s trying Sean… one step at a time. Don’t let this control you anymore. You both need to work this out because as of right now you’re stuck. I won’t let him give up and I won’t let him disappear again. Talk to him… I dare you.” I said. Before Sean could respond I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

            “We all deserve a second chance and forgiveness. He’s working on it… we both are.” With that I backed away leaving him to stare after me. When I re-entered the Watering Hole McClane was where I’d left him. The only difference was more tears.

            “He hates me.” McClane whispered when I took his hand into my own. Giving his fingers a squeeze I pulled him to the door and on to our rental car. After getting McClane inside I looked back to the gate only to find the jeep gone. Climbing in I cranked the car and pulled out of our spot. It didn’t take long for us to reach the highway. While I drove I could hear McClane’s muffled whimpers.

It hurt to hear him like this. It hurt to know there was nothing I could say or do to ease his pain.  We were turning into the motel parking lot when I felt McClane’s left hand latch onto my right. We sat there in the parking lot for a while in front of our room until McClane reached for the car door. He stood there beside me as I unlocked the door and pushed it wide letting him pass by.

After closing the door I turned to McClane and waited. I knew he needed comfort but I wouldn’t force it on him. He stood there staring at the carpeted floor for ten minutes before leaning his forehead into mine. I watched his tears overflow from his closed eyes and his bottom lip tremble as if he was left in the cold. Wrapping my arms around his waist I pulled him close. I’d never seen a man cry as hard as McClane did… and I never wanted to see that ever again.

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