Chapter 3: SM Pt. 3

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Sean’s POV: (Past)

Naval Academy Year One

I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the empty wall across from me. I was finally at the Naval Academy and away from him. I could finally breathe without thinking of him. What he was doing? How did he look? Was he thinking of me at all? When I arrived I tried to reclaim a bit of the old me but I couldn’t. I looked at the females arriving and I wanted to feel something but nothing was there. It was like that switch in my head had been flipped off and instead of lusting after them I felt nothing. Taking a deep breath I pushed off the bed and started to open my luggage. I was tossing my clothes into the open drawers when the door opened.

                “Hey is this room 414?” Said a voice from the door. Turning I came face to face with a mountain of muscle. His short dark hair framed his square face. His lilac colored eyes had me blinking a few time. I thought maybe I was seeing things. After it registered he’d asked me a question I sobered up and nodded my head. Grinning he came in bundled down with two duffel bags, three carry-on’s and a dry cleaners clothes bag. Tossing it all on the empty bed across from me he collapsed into the open computer chair between us.

                “I didn’t think I’d make it.” He laughed. Closing my drawers I faced him and held out my hand.

                “Sean Wesley, nice to meet you.” I said trying to sound in control. Taking my hand he gave it a hardy squeeze.

                “Joffrey Miller.” He said. Pushing out of the chair I realized he was about my height just slightly bigger on the muscle side. He went to his luggage and started to unpack.

                “So you know what time we’re supposed to be at the hall?” He asked. I was standing there watching him bending over his bags not really hearing him. When I saw he was about to turn around I pretended to be looking through the information packet I’d been given earlier. Finding the itinerary sheet I glanced over it.

                “Six. They say we must be in uniform with our I.D. badges on.” I said. Looking over the paper I caught Joffrey frowning down at the floor.

                “What is it man?” I asked. Pointing to the dry cleaners clothes bag he frowned even more.

                “It’s like three thousand degrees out there and they want us to wear our uniforms. All I want was to get settled, get something to eat, catch a cool shower and sleep until Monday morning. Not sit in a stuffy lecture hall and swelter to death.” He said collapsing over the side of the bed. Laughing I shook my head at him forgetting about my sudden attraction to him. He was hilarious.

                “Well you better suck it up and unpack. We’ve got two hours before we have to leave.” I said turning back to my own luggage. Sliding to the floor Joffrey sat there for a second before he stood again.

                “Hey Sean… we’re gonna be friends aren’t we?” He asked. Pausing I turned my head to see him grinning like a loon.

                “I don’t see why not. Why do you ask?” Suddenly I smelt it. The most foul odor known to mankind. I almost tripped over my own feet trying to get the windows.

                “Oh my God, what have you been eating?!” I yelled sticking my head out the window as far as I could. Joffrey was doubled over laughing his head off pointing at me.

                “Two cheeseburgers, a large fry and a chocolate milkshake.” He snorted. I stayed there in the window for another ten minutes because Joffrey’s fart wouldn’t leave. Once it was safe I hurried to finish unpacking and went to shower. By the time I finished Joffrey was heading in. I was about to pass him when he grabbed my arm.

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