Chapter 22: KD

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Kate’s POV:

Two Weeks Later…

I will not dwell. I refuse to dwell. I will not sit here remembering the good times I had with him and making myself more miserable. I sat across from Avery as he smiled his cute dimpled smile at me. I met Avery a year ago but I wasn’t ready back then. When he asked me out I was still dealing with my parents and all I could do was refuse him.

I thought because of it he would write me off as being a stuck up snob but he didn’t. He waited patiently for me to get my life together. It took some time but we developed a friendship then McClane blew into my life and I literally completely forgot about him. I know what you’re thinking… some friend I am. Now that I’m back McClane free I’m able to focus on other things… new people and possibly a new chance at happiness.

            “So when I pulled the top off everything literally exploded in my face. I was covered in yogurt sauce from head to toe. It was the most disgusting feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life.” Avery chuckled. Pushing his coffee colored locks from his face he leaned forward resting his elbows on the table top. I was in the process of pretending to pay attention when he reached over and brushed my hair back from my eyes.

            “Something is bothering you.” He said. I tried not to look guilty but I could feel my cheeks getting red. I want to look at him in the eyes and tell him he was wrong but I couldn’t. Placing my glass down I wiped my mouth with a napkin and took a deep breath.

            “I like you Avery. You are… a beautiful person inside and out… but you do know I’m just getting started. I would love to have something someday but I’m not in any rush and I’m sorry if—“I started to explain but was cut off by Avery’s impossibly wide grin.

            “I understand Kate. I’m not here to rush you into anything you’re not ready for. I just like being with you, that’s all. If we choose to take it further than great, if not, then I’ll wait until you’re ready.” He said giving me the most sincere look. If we were in one of those romantic comedies we would be in the middle of the falling in love montages and by the end I would be hopelessly in love with Avery. Instead we were stuck in real life and I was still fantasizing about someone I couldn’t have. 

            “I wanna be in love with someone someday Avery… and I hope one day it’s with someone like you. I don’t want you waiting for me to get my shit together and you miss out on someone special… because if you did it would break my heart knowing I was the cause. So here is what I propose… you and I become friends. No matter what happens we stay friends. Like you say if it happens for us then great but you won’t let possible chances at happiness go by. Promise me.” I said. He looked out the window next to us and took a deep breath. Turning back to me slowly he stuck his tongue out at me and smiled.

            “I kind of thought we were already friends but I promise. Now that we’ve to that awkward conversation out the way I propose—“ Avery said before he was cut off by an obnoxious noise.

            “KATLIN!!” I felt my skin literally crawl at the sound of my name being yelled from the front door. The smile on Avery’s face disappeared and all I was left with was a frown etched onto his handsome face.

            “Yo babe… glad to see you’re back. Missed you.” He said pushing his way from the entrance over to our table. Back when I was Krazy Katlin I would have loved to be a part of Donavon Walker’s crowd. I would have done anything to be known but since getting sober the rose colored glasses have come off and I can see Donavon for what he really is. A drug and alcohol addicted junkie.

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