Chapter 41: Dover

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Dover's POV:

I watched Mr. Mitchell pace the length of the hallway as we waited for the trial to finish. I'd never felt so much intensity from one person in my life. He was ready to kill. I don't think there was a force on this earth that would have stopped him from killing Donavon if he had a chance. Mrs. Mitchell stood still in the center of his path her eyes following his progress. I was about to suggest some coffee when the doors opened. We all froze at the sight of the Prosecution as he breezed pass us towards the exit. Looking to one another we all moved towards the doors to see Senator Reed pleading with the judge. In slow motion Kate turned towards the door. Even from that distance I could see the tears on her face. Her eyes were wide with surprise and a smile slowly appeared on her face.

            "We won." She whispered. I looked to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell as they started to enter the court room. It was like a slow motion moment when both Penny and Kate started towards their parents. Relief flooded my body making my skin tingle. Looking to McClane he threw his fist into the air  before pulling Avery into a hug. I was about to join the celebration when the vibration of my phone stopped me. Pulling it from my pocket I stared at my father's private number.

            "Hey dad!" I said cheerfully. There was a pause on the other end. The kind of pause that suddenly drains you of all your happy feelings.

            "What is it?... Are you okay? Is mom okay?" I asked suddenly.

            "You need to come home." He finally said his voice hoarse.

            "Tell me... tell me what happened." I said. I could feel McClane's eyes on me as I stood there waiting for my father to tell me whatever bad news he had.

            "Damian... come home... now." He said his voice firmer than before. I didn't have a chance to say anything else before he hung up the phone. I stared at my phone unsure what to make of the call.

            "Everything alright?" McClane asked when he appeared in front of me. Looking to him I shrugged my shoulders then looked back to my phone. I was about to call my father back when the phone came to life in my hand. That sinking feeling I'd had before began to blossom into something more when I read the name on the screen.

            "Hey Julie what's up?" I said. Again there was a pause. I could feel my gut tightening. Something was wrong.

            "Did your father call you?" She asked. She sounded like she'd been crying.

            "Yeah... but he wouldn't tell me what was wrong... what's going on Julie?" I asked. There was a sigh on the other end and I knew whatever Julie had to say would be the worst news I'd ever get in my life.

            "Sean's convoy was hit by rebels in route to the Syrian border. Four Marines and six cilivians dead... Dover... Sean was shot, close range... in the chest. They said he lost a lot of blood, too much blood and he's being rushed to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. From what the field medic said... the bullet might have severed a main artery... Sean might bleed out before they can make it to Germany." It felt like time had stopped in that second as my heart seized in my chest. My brain couldn't process her words. I felt my stomach lurch then drop down to my feet.

            'Sean was shot close range in the chest... the bullet might have severed a main artery.' Over and over again the words echoed getting louder and louder with each pass.

            "Dude, you look like you're about to blow chunks." McClane said steadying me. The sound of his voice brought me back to the present. As I turned my face to his I could hear Julie on the phone telling me to come home as fast as I could. Without realizing it I hung up and pocketed the phone.

            "Is Dover okay?" Penny asked as she and her family appeared behind McClane. I looked to each one my eyes becoming cloudy with each face.

            "Dover... what happened?" Kate whispered. Finally I brought my eyes back to McClane. I watched as the blood in his face drained and his hand slipped from my arm. Slowly shaking his head he stepped away from me.

            "Don't say it." He said. Swallowing hard I closed my eyes.

            "Sean's been shot. The bullet might have severed a main artery because he's loosing too much blood. He might not make it." I whispered. The court house hall was quiet and still. I could hear the sob building in McClane chest. I could feel the panic in Kate. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were dishing out orders to get everyone to their cars. They kept saying they needed to go home. When I opened my eyes again I was standing on the steps of the court house. I could feel my body trembling. I stood there wishing I'd done what my father asked and just went home. There was no way I'd be able to drive like this. As I watched the others leaving I spotted a few familiar faces in the parking lot.

            "Mom sent us." Dannick said as he placed his arm around my shoulder. Donnie and Desmond both hugged me before leading me toward the parking lot. Taking my keys Donnie headed for my car as Desmond and Dannick strapped me in the back of Dannick's SUV.

            "Dover... breathe." Desmond whispered. Taking a deep breath I felt the flood gates break and my emotional wall crumble.

            "Get me out of here." I croaked. I knew there was a chance this could happen but I never thought it would. Now that the moment was here I found that I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was.  

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