Chapter 2: SM Pt. 2

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As you know mama likes to write very very naughty... well this isn't the 'Naughty Version'. I dub thee the 'Nice Version' good for the PG-13 rating I have. If you want the 'Naughty Version' drop me a line.

Sean’s POV: (Present)

When we pulled into the last stop I got off and stretched a bit. It had been nine hours of riding since our last pit stop. This would be the last stop we’d make before getting to the depot. There were only seven more recruits to pick up here. They were getting signed in when I came out of the rest stop restroom. Showing the commanding officer my badge I boarded the bus and took my seat. The awaiting recruits were digitally signed in and allowed to store their luggage then board. I was about to close my eyes when a familiar face appeared. His eyes went from face to face until it landed on mine. He stopped for a second before a smile blossomed on his lips. Coming forward he took the empty seat next to me.

                “Long time, no see man.” Reaching out he gave me his hand. Shaking it I smiled back.

                “I didn’t think I’d see you here.” I said sitting up more. Grinning he gave me a little wink.

                “The Marines has been an Owens tradition as long as I can remember. A lot of people think I was pushed into it but it’s a desire man… I want to be a Marine… it’s in my blood.” I sat there staring at Damian’s face while he spoke. He had conviction in his voice while he spoke. He truly wanted to be a Marine.

                “Well it’s nice to have one familiar face.” I said as the bus started up again. Nodding Damian leaned back and got comfortable.

                “I know what you mean… Here’s hoping we get assigned together. I rather it be with you then some of these other guys.” He said. Grinning I agreed. It would be nice to be placed in the same barracks with Damian. He would be my distraction… my focal point to keep me focused. He would help me forget the past and look towards the future.

McClane’s POV: (Present)

I lay there in bed thinking about Declan’s words. He was right. Four years had been enough. I couldn’t hide from Sean and what I feel for the rest of my life. What good would that do? I would be miserable and Sean…

                ‘He’s probably better off without you.’ Said my subconscious. I would have come back with a snappy retort but it was right. Declan didn’t know the whole story. No one did. I wasn’t spending nights alone at home crying over Sean… well not all my nights. Sometimes I skip right over the beer and head straight to the hard stuff. That’s when I get into trouble. That’s when I have my ‘episodes’. I wake up in strange beds with guys I don’t even remember meeting in the first place. The taste of whatever I’d been guzzling down on my breath and a pounding headache throbbing through my head.

You’d think I wouldn’t remember the first time but I do… it’s the only one I do remember. I went out with Kallum before his undergraduate workload had gotten busy. He kept saying he wanted to have a blast before school made it impossible for us to hang out. Of course I hadn’t told him about Sean or the fact I wasn’t really wanting to go out. At that moment all I wanted was to sit and stare at the picture on my phone but Kallum wasn’t having it.

We went to some new club called Chaos across the county line. I ordered a rum and coke from the bar and from then on it was kind of a blur. Next thing I know I’m being sandwiched between two girls who had thought it was too hot and they’d started taking off their clothes. The brunette in front of me was on the table stripping off her shirt and all I could do was think about Sean. How much I wanted to kiss him. How much I wanted him with me right now. They must have sensed I wasn’t into it because they suddenly left.

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