Chapter 29: SD Pt. 2

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Sean’s POV:

I drove around for an hour before I found myself outside of Dover’s house. I sat outside like a stalker staring up at the sky through the car roof listening to some smooth jazz trying to get the courage to climb out the car when there was a startling knock on the passenger side door.

                “Hey creepy stranger are you here for my baby brother?” It felt like I was about to throw up my heart, liver and lungs all at the same time. Dannick leaned into the car revealing a slightly sweaty brow. I was still in perv mode from my encounter with McClane so the sight of Dover’s fit and muscular older brother was a bit much for me to handle.

                “Yeah… I know I didn’t call but—“I started to explain myself all the while trying to think of anything that would stop the blood from rushing to my groin. Shaking his head Dannick grinned at me causing his sexiness to magnify tenfold.

                “No worries man but if you’d call you would know Dover isn’t here. He’s down at Yancy’s getting in some batting practice.” He said reaching for my cell that sat on the seat next to me. Pulling up the GPS system he punched in the address then showed me the screen.

                “Just follow the directions and then go to the fourth field in the back. He’s there trying desperately to beat my batting record.” Dannick chuckled as I took the phone back. I tried to keep my eyes from straying but I’m only human. Before I knew it my eyes were watching Dannick as he strutted towards the house stripping off his shirt as he went.

                “Lord have mercy…” I whispered as I turned the ignition. Before I did something that I would regret I pulled off following the GPS’s commands to the baseball field. When I arrived I thought maybe the field would be somewhat deserted considering the time of night it was but instead there was a fair amount of foot traffic wander about the complex. Following the signs to the fourth field I spotted Dover inside the batting cages. I stood at the entrance watching him assume the position with an aluminum bat in hand.

Of course he would be shirtless and wearing skimpy nylon shorts. The lights were state of the art and they illuminated everything. The glistening skin of Dover’s back, the tautness of Dover’s thighs, the curve of his spine as he swung the bat at the oncoming ball.  I felt my body react to the image of Dover and combined with all those feelings McClane awakened I was hard as marble.

                ‘Someone is going to walk by and see you pervin’ out and shit is gonna go down.’ My conscience said. Looking around me I expected to see people giving me hateful stares as I lewdly displayed myself in a public place but all that foot traffic from before had somehow disappeared.

                ‘Good…’ I thought as I turned back to Dover. It felt like I’d been sucker punched in the gut. He stood there holding the bat overhead with both hands. As he jumped off the ground he’d twist his upper body causing every and I mean every muscle to ripple. The lights magnified every detail of his body to the point it caused my member to throb.

                ‘I can’t go in to talk to Dover like this.’ I thought looking away from his body.

                ‘Then don’t talk but don’t stay here in the shadows either… I’m starting to think things about you.’ My conscience said. After a few seconds I made up my mind.

                ‘What the hell…’ I thought as I crossed the entrance and headed down the path to the batting cages. Dover was getting into position when I reached the batting cage door.

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