Chapter 1: SM Pt.1

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Sean’s POV:  (Present)

I woke to find McClane gone. Micah was there with a change of clothes for me.

“I packed your stuff. We’ve got thirty minutes to get to the airport.” He said tossing me my clothes. I didn’t have time to ask where McClane had gone or why hadn’t he waken me up. I hurried to dress and get down to the front desk to checkout. The ride to the airport was quiet. When I got on the bus McClane was in the first seat and he wouldn’t meet my gaze. I sat alone trying to get myself together. When we got to the airport we had to haul ass to get to our gate. After making our flight we all hunkered down for the ride home. When I realized they seated me next to McClane I asked Vivian to switch with me. She agreed to but before we could switch one of the flight attendants came by and said we weren’t allowed to do that. Even after my puppy eyes she still wouldn’t allow us to switch. I shuffled my way over to my seat and sat down. Thankfully I had the aisle seat this time. I noticed he’d turned his body away from me and glared out the window. I didn’t understand what had gone wrong. It was like he regretted last night.

‘Of course he regrets last night.’ My conscious said.

‘Why? We both wanted it.’ I said to myself.

‘Maybe it was the alcohol that wanted it.’ My conscious said.

‘He wasn’t drunk the day of graduation nor was he drunk on the plane. Hell he was sober on the fucking bus!’ I yelled to myself. I was waiting for a snappy comeback but when I got nothing it only made me angrier.

‘You are a beautiful person Sean… you deserve someone as equally beautiful. But I don’t think its McClane… not right now anyway.’ Megan’s words came back loud and clear. I felt my heart constrict and my lungs ache. I should have listened to Megan. I should have ignored McClane and not given into the lust built up inside me. I should have stayed strong… if I did I wouldn’t be sitting here about to cry my eyes out. Pulling the blanket from its packaging I spread it over me and pulled it close to my face. I was trying to not ignore it but it was persistent this thought. This ugly revelation I’d made.

‘You in love with McClane Crawford.’ I could feel my tear duct becoming overwhelmed and my eyes clouding with tears. I didn’t want to but I couldn’t help it. I knew it was right… I loved McClane Crawford and he didn’t feel the same. The constricting pain got worse as the plane purred to life. The ache in my lungs deepened as the fasten seatbelt sign flashed overhead.

I was in love with McClane Crawford… and he didn’t love me… Damn.

Four Years Later…

That was the first time in my life I couldn’t look at my own reflection. I’d felt like a cheap whore or something. As much as I wanted to hate McClane for this I couldn’t put all the blame on him. I wanted it just as bad as he did… or at least as much as I thought he did. I’d shown him the most vulnerable piece of me and he tossed me aside like I was trash. Leaning my head back I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to cry… not now. Not on a bus full of Marine hopefuls. I didn’t want them to see how much I was still hurting. How much I still wanted to just disappear. I didn’t want them to ask me what’s wrong… because then I’ll really have to face the truth… that I am hopelessly in love with that asshole McClane… and he could care less.

When we got home I tried to talk to him but all of a sudden he was busy with interviews and moving into his new apartment he’d gotten for himself. He was so busy he couldn’t spare me five minutes of his time. After that I refuse to even give him a thought. Of course as much as I wanted to be strong I couldn’t stop the thoughts from coming. Now here I am on my way to Parris Island, South Carolina to start my training. Naval Academy was a breeze. I used it as a distraction and was able to pull out all high marks. Out of a class of two thousand only thirteen hundred of us graduated from the academy. And only nine hundred of us were chosen to move on to Marine Training. The others would have to be satisfied with desk jobs and paper pushing. I on the other hand would be in the thick of it. I would be getting my hands dirty while kicking ass and taking names.

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