Chapter 5: MSM

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McClane’s POV: (Present)

I sat in the conference room with the other employees not paying any attention to the speaker at the podium. Declan’s words kept chiming over and over again in my head.

            ‘Get off your ass and make it right or you’ll lose out on him forever.’

He was right. I’ve wasted enough time hiding. I needed to do something, anything because each day that went by I was losing precious time with Sean. I was in the middle of my self-help speech in my head with I felt a hand glide up my thigh and slip in between my legs. Jumping a bit I rammed my knee into the leg of the table causing pain to explode and eyes to cut into my direction. I swallowed back the curse threating to escape my lips and cut my eyes to my left. Sasha was giving me a pathetic pout from behind her hand. Turning away I pried her fingers from my leg and scooted away. I could see the frown lines crease her forehead but I ignored it. I didn’t have time to worry about Sasha. I had to make plans. I had to make this right with Sean.

                “That concludes this meeting” Said our speaker. Pushing out of my chair I skirted around the table away from Sasha as she leaned in my direction trying to get a grab of me.

                “Mr. Alexander, can I speak with you?” I said stepping into his path out of the conference room. I could see Sasha glaring at me from over his shoulder.

                “McClane, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. How are you son?” He said shaking my hand. Smiling I took my eyes from Sasha and gave him my full attention.

                “Great. I just wanted to thank you for the job and the opportunity to gain this experience.” I started only to stop when I saw the look on Mr. Alexander’s face.

                “I can see something is bothering you, what’s wrong?” He asked in a fatherly type way. I was going to lie but a glimpse of Sasha made me think twice. Slowly I looked around at the other employees still milling about the conference room. Seeing this Mr. Alexander motioned for me to follow him.

                “This sounds like a good time to have a private talk in my secret office.” He said pressing the button for the elevator. As we rode more and more people climbed off until we were the only ones left. We were three floors from the top when Mr. Alexander reached over and pressed the emergency stop button. As the elevator jerked to a halt I felt my heart lurch. How do I explain this to him without offending him?

                “It’s Sasha isn’t it?” He asked. Blinking I tried to keep the surprise off my face but failed. Sighing he raked his fingers through his thinning hair.

                “I saw her today in the conference room. Her attention was so focused on you she didn’t see me glaring in her direction. She’s been harassing you hasn’t she.” He asked. Nodding my head I stood there mute before clearing my throat.

                “I never wanted it to get this far I thought I could handle it on my own but Sasha has this way of… how to explain it?” I fumbled for the right words when Mr. Alexander started to laugh.

                “She’s blackmailing you McClane. She thinks it was her begging that made me offer you a position here. In reality it was the recommendations from your professors and your work ethic that convinced me you’d be a great fit here at Quantum Technologies. I wanted you because you’re smarter than any guy I know, not because you use to date my daughter. So here is what I’m offering. You have bigger and better thing ahead of you and I want to help you get there. If it weren’t for you Sasha wouldn’t have graduated college and in reality I’m indebted to you. I have a few other offices here in the U.S. and plenty more in Europe.

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