Chapter 46: SM Pt. 7

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Sean's POV:

I didn't wait to call Scott. I needed to get this conversation out the way before I lost my nerve. I asked him to meet me at Nicky's bar down on Tenth Street in half an hour. That gave me time to come up with a game plan. When I arrived I ordered me beer and grabbed a table. I've had some difficult conversations in my life time but never have I had to tell someone I know you've slept with my almost kinda boyfriend. I felt like I should be on some talk show with the audience chanting 'kick his ass!'.

                'Well this isn't going to be easy for Scott either… just imagine how he's going to react when you tell him… or worse how McClane's gonna react when he see's Scott.' My conscience said. Now that’s something I hadn't thought about… I was so focused on making a love connection between Scott and Troy I totally forgot about McClane's part in all this.

                'If you forgot then that means it wasn't important to you. When the time comes just explain it to McClane that you don't care about what happened.' My conscience said.  It was right. I didn't care. Convincing McClane of that fact was gonna be harder to do but one thing at a time. Scott had walked in looking around for me. Waving my hand in the air I got his attention motioning him over.

                "Hey man!" He said excitedly when he reached me.

                'Wonder how long that's gonna last?' I thought to myself as Scott ordered a drink from our waitress. When the she walked away I cleared my throat and turned to face Scott.

                "I called you here because… I haven't been totally honest with you. First off I'm not trying to hit on you. As I said I went back to the store to talk to you because I thought we may have been brothers. But instead of just be straight with you I flubbed over my words and you thought I was coming on to you. When you mentioned your ex boyfriend it kind of threw me off because… um… well… fuck me… McClane is my ex or something to that effect. We've been trying to figure this thing out and when you mentioned his name I was flustered.

                 I knew he probably had had sex with other people I just never expected to actually meet one of them but you sounded so hurt when you spoke about him and I know how it feels to be broken hearted by McClane because he's done it to me and I knew I was partly to blame for your hurt because we dragged you into our mess and I'm so sorry for that I don't want you to think we do this for kicks because we don't we're just… stubborn and hard headed. We don't how to navigate our way through what we have and I'm sorry for the pain McClane and I have caused you." I rambled. Scott sat frozen in his chair his eyes wide and deer like. I could see a faint trembling in his hands as he swallowed… hard.

                "Did you call me here to kick my ass?" He whispered. Kick his ass…

                "No… of course not. I don't blame you for anything and you have nothing to worry about from me. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to be your friend. I just couldn't go on without you knowing the truth. I want you to be able to move on from McClane because you deserve to be loved too." I said meaning every word. When the waitress appeared with his drink Scott snatched it up before she even had a chance to put it on the table.

                "Wow…" She whispered then eased back from the table. When he was done he placed the glass down and took a deep breath.

                "When you called I wasn't expecting to hear this… Honestly I didn't think you'd call. I'm sorry for sleeping with your boyfriend. I don't do that intentionally… now that I think about it now it makes sense. Our first night together he kept calling me Sean… I guess he was thinking of you." Scott said. Looking around I motioned the waitress for another drink for Scott. He looked like he needed it. We sat there for a second silent not knowing what to say when Scott looked up towards the ceiling. I could see the tears swimming in his eyes.

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