Chapter 32: KMD

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Kate’s POV:

            “Are you serious?” Penny asked me again after a ten minute silence. Nodding my head I looked to Avery then back to Penny’s shocked face.

            “It’s the reason why I don’t come home or invite you all out here. I’m afraid of the shit he’ll do to my family.” I said quietly. Frowning Penny stood from her seat on the sofa and began to pace the living room floor.

            “Kate just go to the police! Tell them a freaky stalker dude is threatening your life, the lives of your family and your friends! Get a fucking restraining order on his ass!” Penny exploded. I understood her anger. It was something I could relate to but no matter how hard I tried I never seem to get myself away enough from Donavon Walker.

            “It isn’t that simple Penny.” Avery said trying to calm her down. Spinning on her heel she glared him down.

            “Why the hell not?” She snarled completely in beast mode. Stepping back some Avery looked to me then back to Penny.

            “To the outside world Donavon Walker is a model citizen. He helps little old ladies across the street, he volunteers for the Scouts hell he even works at a soup kitchen on his days off. To the world that ass can do no wrong.” I muttered bitterly. I could see the confusion on Penny’s face but I was too disgusted to elaborate. Sighing Avery placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze.

            “What Kate means is Donavon is untouchable. No matter what we say or do the authorities will think otherwise.” Avery explained. Shaking her head Penny reclaimed her seat.

            “I don’t understand how this is possible.” She asked. Standing I went to the window and stared out at the manicured lawn.

            “It’s possible because of Senator Ryan Reed.” I said.

“Why would he do that for that creep?” Penny asked.

“Because the Senator is Donavon’s dad.”  Avery muttered.

             “The first couple times I reported Donavon to the school I thought they’d do something about it but it wasn’t until I met Avery and he told me that they’d been throwing my complaint forms away. Apparently the Senator is a huge benefactor of the school. When I asked about it I was told to drop it. It wasn’t my place to question them.” I told Penny as my voice cracked a bit.

             “So no what? You have to suffer at the hands of Creepy McCreeperton until you graduate? I’m not leaving you here with bat shit crazy on the loose!” Penny exclaimed.

              “The only way he can hurt me is by hurting you. That’s why you have to leave. The farther away you are the safer I’ll be here.” I said to Penny’s frantic head shaking.

               “She’s right Penny. I’m here with her and I’ll keep her safe. Go home and stay as far away as possible.” Avery said. Glaring at him Penny poked her finger into his shoulder.

               “Easy for you to say, this isn’t your sister. You have nothing invested in this.” Penny hissed. Looking to me Avery eyes slowly cut away. A few seconds later he left us alone.

                “Penny—“I started to say but was cut off.

                  “I need to apologize to him. That was uncalled for.” Penny said suddenly. Taking her hand I squeezed her fingers.

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