Chapter 7: Sean

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Sean’s POV: (Present)

Parris Island Marine Training… Four Weeks of HELL!!

I’ve never hurt so much in my life. I was expecting pain, I knew there would be stress but I wasn’t prepared for this. Of the four hundred eager recruits welcomed on day one about half have dropped out of the program and it’s only week four.  It started out innocent enough with a few classes on military history, customs and courtesies. Even though we sat in classes all day it was still hard getting up at five in the morning. By week two we started learning basic first aid, uniform identification, leadership skills and core values.

 At the end of each night we’d all lie in our bunks talking about how easy this seemed to be. Dover was the only one convinced we’d eat our words. By week three I was serious thinking about quitting. Every muscle I had ached. Even my aches were aching. After the second day of martial arts training I laid in my bunk trying not to flinch as Dover and the guys covered me in ice packs. All I could say was I wanted to go home.

Dover kept telling me I could do this. Avery said I was destined to be a Marine. Oscar told me I couldn’t let this program get the best of me. James and Xavier kept chanting ‘USA’ over and over like we were in the Olympics. And Cole kept waving the flag in my face trying to make me believe what they were saying. As much as I wanted to agree with them my pain made it very hard to do.

It was one of those nights when I was beyond in pain. We were continuing our martial arts training and starting our swim qualifications. With all the alternating between the two my body hasn’t had a chance to adjust. Tonight I was enduring martial arts and getting my ass handed to me. If we were using good old fashion redneck fighting I would have been fine.

But here that doesn’t fly. I’ve never been tossed around so much in my life. After my umpteenth ass kicking Drill Sergeant Juarez sent me to the medical building to be cleared to continue. As I limped along slowly I heard someone call out my name but I was in too much pain to turn around to see who it was.

                “Holy shit you look like hell.” Dover said wrapping his arm around my waist helping me stay on my feet. I tried to smile but it hurt so I didn’t. I let him take my weight as we slowly walked across the base. The traffic had slowed down some leaving the roads clear. Thankfully not many were around to see my hobble of shame.

                “Where the hell have you been?” I asked realizing I hadn’t seen him in training since we began. Smiling Dover wiggled his eye brows.

                “I’ve been training in martial arts since I was three. I’m actually a black belt so I’ve been chosen to help train recruits and from the looks of it you need my help.” He chuckled. I would have said something snappy in return but let’s face it he was right.

                “Why don’t they warn you before you sign those papers? I mean they could have at least told me this would be part of the training. I would have prepared or something. I feel like I’m here to be the official Marine Corp punching bag.” I said wincing at the pain in my side. Seeing this Dover stopped and helped me over to the brick wall to let me rest.

                “If they told you this would happen you probably wouldn’t have signed up and you aren’t a punching bag. You’re more on the lines of sparing partner… just a bruised sparing partner.” He said. I started to chuckle but had to stop. It hurt too much to do that too.

                “At least my face is still pretty.” I said trying to find the silver lining.

                “Well that’s true you face is very pretty.” He said. I could sense immediately he wish he hadn’t said that out loud for me to hear. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw his flushed face.

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