Chapter 8: MD

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McClane’s POV: (Present)

I sat at the head of the conference table trying to pay attention to Mr. Adams, the site manager for Quantum Technologies North Charleston offices. The pasted smile he’d been wearing when I walked through the door that morning hadn’t fallen from his face once. The employees all tried to look busy but they were too preoccupied with trying to figure who I was to get anything done.

I did my best to look like I was interested in what Mr. Adams was telling me but I couldn’t. I was only an hour away from him. One whole hour and I could finally see Sean again. I was like a two year old child in church. I couldn’t sit still.

Once the presentation was over I thanked Mr. Adams for all his hard work and left. I would have to write a review for Mr. Alexander and send it in so I was thankful I remembered to bring my digital recorder. I may not have been listening but I know it was. After I'd see Sean I would go back and listen to the recording and write my review. Happy with my game plan I continued to the parking lot.

I was climbing into my rented car when I had to stop. I was excited. I was eager. I was scared shitless. I’d been avoiding this for four years now the chance was only a few miles away and I’m clamming up. It felt like my throat was closing up and I couldn’t breathe. Taking the key out of the ignition I climbed out of the sedan and inhaled as much air as possible.

            ‘I can’t drive like this. I need to clear my head.’ I thought to myself. Shrugging off my suit jacket I tossed it in the back. Locking the car I started out. There was a campus near by so I thought I’d just walk around and let my anxiety die down. As soon as I crossed over the brick arch way I was instantly thrown back into my college days.

Hanging out with Kallum and the guys while we waited for our next class to begin. Stealing kisses from the sorority girls who happened to pass by us on their way to class. The fun and light heartedness of that time was what I missed. I knew being an adult wouldn’t be easy but this was ridiculous. As I passed though the students making their way to and fro I was suddenly bumped into. We both stumbled back a bit shocked it happened.

            “I’m so sorry I literally didn’t see you.” A female voice said. There was a wetness seeping through my shirt and the scent of coffee lingered around me. Looking down at my shirt I watched the stain got bigger and bigger until my entire front half was wet. Even though I was standing there covered in coffee I was able to find the silver lining of the whole situation. At least it was iced coffee and not hot. I could hear her repeating her apologies as she blotted my chest with her semi-damp napkins. Smirking I shook my head and lifted by face to feel my heart stop.

            “Katlin?” Her head came up as her eyes connected with mine. Slowly her hand dropped to her side as she stood there wide eyed staring at me.

            “McClane? How… Where… What are you doing here?” She asked still a bit stunned.

            “I was just walking around trying to clear my head then someone, I won’t name names poured her iced coffee down the front of my shirt.” I said chuckling a bit. She stood there her blonde locks darker now cut into a shoulder length style. She wasn’t wearing all the make-up she used to plaster onto her face in high school I could see the faint blush light up her cheeks. She was dressed like a normal girl instead of wearing the slut get-up that made her famous as ‘Krazy Katlin’. All in all she looked like a girl I would date if I wasn’t so screw up in the head.

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