Chapter 15: Kate

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Kate’s POV:

When I stepped out of the bathroom I was met with the warm aroma of blueberry waffles and sweet French vanilla syrup. McClane had set the table us with our food and included a card and a small bouquet of flowers.

            “I’m really sorry I drooled on your forehead.” McClane said as soon as he saw me. Picking up the flowers he walked over shyly and placed them in my hand before backing away quickly.

            “I know you said don’t every talk about it but I really felt bad for crying on you last night, then smushing you into the bed and… well you know. I just wanted to say I appreciate everything you’ve done for me thus far. I would have chickened out a long time ago if you haven’t been there so… thanks for spilling your iced coffee on me.” While he gave his little speech I couldn’t help but notice how adorable he was. The curve of his lips when he smiled and the dimples in his cheeks damn near brought me to my knees.

            ‘I thought we talked about this. McClane is off limits.’ My conscious said over my daydreaming. As much as I would like to ignore it I couldn’t. It was right. I was here to help McClane make up with Sean not win him for myself.

            ‘Though it would be nice.’ I thought with a sigh. Heading over to the table I let McClane pull out my chair and seat me. As we dug into our meal I took the opportunity to get down to business before my mind strayed away again.

            “Okay… so last night didn’t go as planned. We were under the impression Sean knew you were coming and in reality he had no freakin’ idea. So… now that Sean knows you’re here I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to send you in again… I mean not yet. It freaked Sean out seeing you so maybe we should ease into that. I was thinking I could go down and talk to him first. Sean and I weren’t very good friends in high school… okay let’s face it we weren’t even acquaintances but that’s beside the point. I think I might have better luck and like I told him. Everything can’t be fixed in one day.” I sat there waiting for McClane to say something. I was giving him this brave face but behind the mask I was scared he’d say no.

Yes I wanted to see both of them happy but I also wanted to make my peace with him. Placing his fork and knife down McClane finished chewing his food and took a sip of his orange juice. Settling back into his chair he mulled over my words. Finally after three minutes of silence he nodded his head.

            “That sounds way better than what I was planning.” He said giving his shoulders a shrug he started back eating. I wanted to ask what exactly had he planned when I decided against it. From what I knew of McClane it wouldn’t be anything logical. After going over my game plan we got dressed and headed down to USMC base. Even though I’d just eaten a meal my stomach felt strangely empty and hollow.

            ‘Don’t be nervous. If you’re nervous, then McClane will get nervous. We do not want McClane nervous. Just breathe Kate.’ My conscious said over and over trying it’s best to calm me down. When McClane rolled through the gates heading towards the family center I felt my heart triple in speed.

            ‘You can do this.’ I thought as I gave McClane an assuring smile before climbing out of the car. Making my way towards the building I wiped the palms of my hands on my skirt and walked through the entrance. I stood at the door watching uniformed men and women pass by on their way to and fro. Going to the desk I was met by a perky red head.

            “Good morning… or should I say afternoon, my name is Julie, how can I help you?” She said in the most upbeat voice I’d heard. Leaning over the counter I tried to still my trembling fingers.

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