Chapter 13: DS

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Dover’s POV:

As I watched the crazy lady walk back to the Watering Hole I couldn’t help the twinge of jealously and fear that manifested in my head. I was confused by most of what happened but one thing was very clear. There was something between Sean and that guy. It was something more than just a simple fight between friends or an argument out of control. It was something heavy that happened between them. It was something that couldn’t be fixed with a simple apology.

            “Sean… what do you want to do?” I asked my voice sounding hollow to my own ears. Looking back to me Sean swallowed hard then cleared his throat.

            “Get me the hell out of here.” He said. Walking around the jeep slowly he climbed into the passenger’s seat. I stood there staring at him trying to forget this feeling but seeing his unshed tears only made it worse.

            ‘Were they a couple?’ I thought to myself. It would make perfect sense… everything crazy lady was saying about second chances and not giving up is advice you’d give to a couple having relationship problems.  Something happened in Fiji and now this guy is back after four years trying to make it right. The only problem is Sean doesn’t want to hear it.

            ‘Good! With that guy out the way that means Sean will be ours!’ My greedy conscious yelled dancing a bit. Heading to the driver’s seat I hopped in and started the jeep. Throwing it in drive I pulled out of the gate and started down the road. I could understand what my conscious was saying but it wasn’t that black and white.

            ‘But what if Sean is in love with him? What if Sean never stop loving him?’ I thought. Shaking its head my conscious quickly dismissed my point.

            ‘If Sean was still in love with that guy he would have stayed to talk to him. Sean doesn’t want anything to do with that guy. He’s yours.’ My conscious said. It was right. Sean ran a fast as he could to get away but that didn’t explain what I was seeing now.

            ‘If that’s true why is he in tears right now? You don’t cry over someone you don’t care about… you cry when you still love them even when though they’ve hurt you.’ I thought glumly. Coming to that realization hurt more than I would like to admit. It felt like my heart was being slowly tortured with a hot iron poker.

            “Can we not go back to base right now?” Sean asked finally breaking our silence. I couldn’t answer him due to the lump lodged in my throat but I did turn onto one of the base’s access roads leading to the coast. We rode for another thirty minutes before reaching sandy shores. When I parked I didn’t wait for Sean. I needed some space. I had to get my emotions back under control.

I’ve done nothing but lust after Sean since I saw him on that bus and to my surprise he’s mentally, emotionally and physically unavailable. Heading out onto the beach I stopped short of the star glistening waters. I wanted him. I wanted him to be mine so badly so I ignored the fact that he could possibly someone else’s.

            “Dover we need to talk.” Sean said from behind me. He sounded so raw. I had to stop myself from pulling him in my arms. He wasn’t mine to comfort. I was never in the running. Turning to him I kept my eyes away from his. I didn’t want him to see my sadness and pain. He shifted back on his heels then slowly sank into the sand. Doing the same I waited patiently while he collected his thoughts.

            “What happened back there…with McClane and Katlin at the Watering Hole I don’t want you to think I blame you for that.” He said.  Shaking my head I shoved my hands into the sand.

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