Chapter 19: McClane

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This is the 'Nice' version.

McClane’s POV:

Sean stood there staring at me for a minute while I let my eyes eat him up. It was like the first time in my bedroom. I wanted to reach out and touch his face but I couldn’t erase the image of Sean and Pretty Boy.

                “Who was that guy you were with tonight?” I asked. Blinking Sean’s brows furrowed a bit as he let his eyes narrow on me.

                “What guy?” He asked tersely.

                “You know the guy you were sucking face with.” I said catching my own attitude.

                “None of your damn business.” He said turning away. Without a thought I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me once again. I could feel my blood heating up.

                “What the fuck does that mean?” I bit out. Arching a brow Sean tried to shake off my hand but I wouldn’t let go.

                “It means what I do, who I see and who I fuck is none of your concern.” He said with false politeness. Who he fucks? He’s fucking that meat head model?! I stood there every emotion I was feeling etched itself on my face until I reached anger.

                “You let him fuck you?” I hissed. Leaning forward Sean put a nasty little smile on his face.

                “Yeah I did. His stick felt so good sliding in and out of me. I couldn’t help but moan like a five dollar whore. All I wanted was him to keep fucking harder and harder until I couldn't take anymore… hands down he’s the best sex I’ve ever had.” He said. All I could see was Sean on his back his legs in the air, hair tousled sweaty clinging to his forward. My heated blood was now at its boiling point. I could feel the erection I wanted gone earlier coming back with a vengeance.

                “How do you know he’s the best sex you’ve ever had? Have you tried others?” I asked my words sounding throaty to my ears. The hand on his shoulder had made its way to his neck. My thumb caressed his exposed skin. I watched him swallow hard his lips parted slightly. Slowly his tongue grazed along his bottom lip.

                “I’ve had plenty and I know he’s the best.” He said breathlessly. Taking another step towards him I trapped him between the playhouse and my body. Pressing my member into his I felt his body tremble.

                “You haven’t had mine.” I said my head lowering to his. Again his tongue darted out. I had to taste it. I needed it. Shaking his head he tried to turn his head away but I wouldn’t allow it.

                “I don’t need to.” He gasped. Reaching out with my tongue I lapped his ear lobe until it was firmly between my teeth. Tugging it a bit I released it only to repeat the motion. I could Sean’s body arching up his hips rotating in circles.

                “You have to stop.” He gasped. Reaching up with my hands I captured his face. It felt like heaven when our lips met. I couldn’t help myself I moaned. Our tongues battled back and forth fighting for dominance. Pulling my lips away I started trailing kisses from his mouth along his jaw line to his other ear.

                “Do you really want me to stop?” I whispered. I could feel the heat of his breath against my hair as he tried to get his breathing back under control. We stood like that for what seems like forever. Just when I thought he wasn’t going to answer he reached up and looped his arms around my neck.

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