Chapter 23: KS

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Kate’s POV:

Oh…My…God… someone save me.

I’m lying here in the guest bedroom staring at the ceiling and its three fourteen in the morning. Why am I still awake you ask? Well it’s simple. Avery snores. Not heavy breathing or a light murmuring. He’s snoring so deep it’s coming from his diaphragm. Pulling the pillow over my head I tried to block out the noise but it only muffled it a little bit. I see why his sister Lola only visits for a couple days at a time before going back to London.

She can’t stand the horrible noise coming out of Avery’s bedroom. Finally giving up I pushing my tired body out the rumpled bed. Making my way downstairs I headed for the kitchen. Picking up a spoon from the dish drainer I pulled the butter pecan from the freezer and took a seat at the kitchen table. I was in mid scoop when my phone started to jingle. Not wanting it to wake Avery I rushed to answer it.

            “Hello?” I whispered making my way back downstairs. There wasn’t an answer on the other line just heavy breathing like someone had been running now they were trying to catch their breath.

            “Hello.” I said a bit more firm. Suddenly there was laughter. Again my skin started to crawl and I knew who it was instantly.

            “Why aren’t you home?” He asked. I was about to sit down when I realized what he’d just asked.

            “What did you say Donavon?” I asked trying to swallow the bits of panic starting to bubble.

            “You heard me Katlin… why aren’t you home? I’m here… but you aren’t… so where the fuck are you?” He asked the laughter now gone. Turning towards the back door I made sure the deadbolts were still in place before peeking out the window.

            “You don’t need to know where I am Donavon. You and I aren’t together and we’ll never be so you don’t have to worry yourself about my location.” I said.  There was a pause on the other end then a loud crashing noise in the background.

            “You’re playing a dangerous game bitch… but if that’s what you want then so be it. I’ll be seeing you Katlin.” With that he hung up. I stood there staring at the phone in my hand trying not to shake myself to death from fear. He was in my apartment… Donavon Walker was in my apartment. My knees felt like jelly all of a sudden. Going to the table I collapsed into the chair.

Pushing away the melting ice cream I tried to get my breathing back under control. I was in the middle of reassuring myself everything will be alright when the phone rang again. Snatching it off the table I about to throw it across the kitchen when I recognized the number.

            “McClane?” There was a brief pause then a clearing of a throat.

            “I didn’t think you’d answer my call so I stop by your apartment… your front door is wide open… please tell me you aren’t inside.” He whispered on the other end. Oh fuck McClane was at my apartment!!

            “Leave! Leave right now, run to your car and get the hell away from there right now!” I yelled. I was so involved on the phone I didn’t hear Avery making his way downstairs.

            “What is going on?” Avery asked rubbing his face with his hands. Turning to him I gave him a panicked look.

            “Are you leaving?!” I asked. I could hear the car dinging from the other end and the closing of the door.

            “What the fuck is happening Kate?” McClane asked as the sounds of the car radio came through the phone.

            “I’ll explain after you are safe. Where are you staying?” I asked relief coursing its way through my veins.

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