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The next day at school I noticed Terrence hanging out with some of his friends. He still looked angry. He glanced at me and I shuddered. "You okay?" Mia asked.

"I guess," I muttered.

Carly shook her head knowingly. "Take off your sunglasses."

My heart started racing and I shook my head. Nicole frowned. "Emmy, let me see."

I slowly took off my glasses and revealed the black eye Terrence had given me. Mia put a hand over her mouth in shock. "Em, who did this to you?"

I stared at the ground. My face was sore and I wasn't in the mood to talk about it. "He did it didn't he. Because you spent time with Zach."

Terrence approached them and put an arm around me. I didn't want to be with him anymore. This wasn't the first incident and Carly knew it.

Corbyn's POV

Jonah had told me what had happened at the party and we realized we had to keep an eye out. When we told Daniel he said Terrence sounded familiar. I was talking to Jonah about it when Emily pulled up in front of the gate with her Jaguar. "Good afternoon gentlemen."

"Good afternoon Ms. Walton," Jonah and I replied.

Emily leaned out her window and pulled her sunglasses down. She had a black eye and that angered me. "Mr. Marais, can you guard my hallway when my boyfriend is here. If my dad needs you that's fine but unless he calls you I really would appreciate it."

Jonah nodded. "Of course. What kind of car does he drive so I know who to let in?"

"Mercedes-Benz," Emily replied and drove to her garage.

Sure enough nearly an hour later a Mercedes-Benz pulled into the driveway and we let him in. Jonah put his gun in his pocket and approached the car. "This way."

Hours passed and eventually, Terrence left. Jonah and I were getting ready to leave when Mr. Walton walked over. "Has Emily gone with Terrence?"

"No sir," I replied.

"Please find her. I'm worried," Walton replied.

I nodded and headed inside. I had a sense that she was somewhere in her room so I went there. The door was opening and I heard a voice coming from the bathroom. "It's okay. He didn't mean it. I'm okay."

I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Ms. Walton?"

"Who is it?" Emily whimpered.

"Mr. Besson," I replied.

The door clicked and I went in. Emily turned to me and my jaw dropped. She had a bloody nose and bloody lip to add to her black eye. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked helplessly at me. "He did this didn't he."

She nodded as I helped her to the bed. Jonah walked in with Zach behind him. "A Mr. Herron is here to see you Miss," he said trying to cover up the surprise at the sight of Emily. "What happened?"

Zach rushed to Emily's side. "What happened? Did he do this to you?"

Emily nodded tearfully. "I don't know why. I think it was because you danced with me at the party. He gets angry when I talk to other boys. When he saw me with you and Jack and Daniel he got really mad and hit me at the party. I don't know why he did it today," she sobbed.

Zach's eyes flashed as he turned to me. He led Jonah and I outside. "Call Daniel and tell him I'll have a job for him when we get home."

"Z," I sighed. "This is a job. You can't develop feelings for this girl."

Zach shook his head. "She's not our target. Her dad is."

Clearly, he wasn't seeing the full picture. "What are you going to do? Manipulate her? Drag her into this little cat and mouse game? You're going to hurt her more than we already will by getting her dad. Any other time I'd support it. I just don't know this time."

Zach shook his head. "Trust me. It won't get in the way of the mission."

I put my hands up in surrender. "Fine. But don't come crying to me if something goes wrong."

Daniel's POV

I was growing rather fond of Emily but had to keep reminding myself that this was a job not a social thing. It was hard to do with Zach flirting with her and all of us hanging out with her. Today we took her to the beach to get her mind off of this abusive boyfriend she has. Corbyn has always been Zach's wingman. He'd do anything for him. It makes sense. They've known each other longer than any of us. I knew, in the end, I'd do anything for any of the guys.

Emily walked over to me and grinned. She was adorable and I could see why Zach liked her. "Hi. You're awfully quiet."

I smiled. "I'm sorry. I guess I just have a lot on my mind."

I noticed Zach glaring at me from where he was talking to Jack. Emily didn't seem to notice as she sat down next to me. She offered me skittles and I accepted. We talked for a few minutes before she moved on to talk with Jack. Zach walked over to me. "I need to talk to you."

I got up and followed him. "What's up?"

"I have a job for you," Zach replied.

Intrigued, I raised an eyebrow. We ordered ice cream from the shop nearby and sat down. "Okay, what is it?"

"You remember Terrence from the party?" Zach asked and I nodded. "He beat Emily up last week. I need you to deal with him. Don't kill him or anything. Just threaten him. Let him know she's got people on her side."

"This could get us both killed. We know what Terrence is capable of," I growled.

Zach glared at me and his hand went to his gun in his waistband. I nodded. "Okay. I'll deal with him. And Herron, if you fall for her, we better all gain something from the relationship."

Zach nodded and left after one last glare. I got up and went to the group. "I have a meeting. I'll see you all later."

I got in the car and drove down the highway for nearly an hour on the highway before getting onto a dirt road that led to some abandoned buildings. I parked and got out of the car, grabbing my gun before walking into the building. "Terrence, I know you're in here."

Terrence laughed as he walked out. "Look who's here."

"Hello Carl," I hissed, calling Terrence by his real name.

He looked shocked but an angry face quickly covered his surprise. "What do you want?"

"Get out of town and don't come back. If I see you here I'll kill you without hesitation. You have no right to abuse Emily! I should kill you right now but I'm willing to give you a chance," I snapped.

"What if I don't?" he asked. "You know you're not as dangerous as you think you are."

"You're right. I'm much worse," I snarled. "If you don't get out by tomorrow I swear to God I'll torture you. You can watch everyone you know die in front of you and then yours will be slow and painful."

"Leave my sister out of," he stuttered getting anxious.

I knew I was getting to him. "She's first on my list. Believe me. And your nephew."

He pulled out his gun but I was too quick and knocked it out of his hand. "Watch me," I snapped and left.

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