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No One's POV

Weeks passed and Thanksgiving was coming up. No one was enjoying the holiday season this year. Emily had fought with her dad saying Corbyn was innocent but the police still needed proof. Zach was tirelessly trying to find Reese and seemed to forget about the actual mission. Andre was still locked in the basement of their training center. Zach refused to let him out until Reese was found.

"Zach, just sleep for a few hours. Please," Emily pouted.

Zach shook his head as he read through his files for the hundredth time today. "You don't get it. I have to find her."

Emily sighed and started to get up. "Goodnight then."

"I'm not sleeping tonight Em. You can have the bed," Zach muttered as he began frantically typing.

Emily began to doze off, ready to present some of her evidence to the police the next morning. Her and Jack had been working on finding evidence to get Corbyn out of jail.

Zach was exhausted and about to give up when a res light began blinking on the screen. He sat up and clicked it. It led him to an abandoned building almost an hour away. "I found her," he gasped as he quickly copied down the address. "Guys I found her!"

The group ran to the basement and gathered the weapons they would need. They were thrown into the back of the Mercedes and Jonah got in the driver's seat. Zach typed the address into the gps and nodded. He was a nervous wreck the entire ride. They pulled up in the woods behind the building and got out. Daniel began handing out the rifles and knives. "Zach it's midnight, we could've done this in the morning," he muttered.

"Really? What if it had been Anna? You would be out here. Think about someone other than yourself for once," Zach snarled.

"You're right. I'm sorry," Daniel muttered.

Zach shrugged as he led them towards the building. "There's more important things to worry about."

They ran through the door as they looked around for guards. The hall was empty. "Split up," Jonah whispered. "We'll cover twice as much ground."

Daniel went down one hallway. Jack and Zach ran down the hallways to their left where they were nearly shot by a guard. Jack shot back and watched him fall. Jonah turned to Emily. "Let's go."

"So what evidence did you two find?" Zach asked as he adjusted the shoulder strap on his rifle.

Jack shrugged as he opened a door. "Mia was shot by a .22 which is one of the few we don't have. Tomorrow Emily's going to get the security footage to show that Corbyn was at work when it happened."

Hours seemed to pass and nothing had happened. They all ran into each other in the basement and decided to continue as a group. "What if she's not here?" Zach muttered.

Before anyone could say anything there was a scream. Zach took off down the hall towards the screams and almost collided with two guards. He shot them and shoved open the door. Two men stood over Reese with guns. The child was cowered in a corner trembling. Zach dropped his gun and pulled a knife out of his pocket. Before anyone knew what was happening, he'd knocked the men to the ground. Emily ran to Reese and carried her to the doorway. Zach stabbed the older guy in the chest before turning to the other one. He went straight for the neck. He eventually felt Jack pull him away. "He's dead. And we have Reese. Come on. Before someone comes."

Zach took Reese into his arms. "I'm here now," he whispered as Emily picked up his gun.

Getting home was uneventful and Zach finished tending to his sister's wounds. He laid her on his bed relieved that she was back with him. Reese started whimpering and Zach sat up. "What's the matter?" 

"I had a bad dream," Reese mumbled as she curled up against Zach. 

The next morning Zach was sitting on the couch eating as he helped Jack review the evidence. A Ferrari pulled into the driveway and looked up. "Emily's back." 

Emily walked into the house and set down a thumb drive. "I got only what we need. Everything between the times of noon to four. I reviewed it and he was there during that whole time." 

Daniel nodded as he walked into the room. "You're better at this sneaking around than I thought. Where was this located?" 

"Thanks. It was in my dad's bedroom safe where he keeps all the things he's hiding," Emily replied before her eyes widened. 

Daniel smirked. "Now work on keeping things a secret." 

A scream sounded and Zach immediately raced up the stairs followed by Emily. Reese was sat on the floor in the corner shaking as she covered her eyes. Zach went to hug her but she pushed him away. "Don't hurt me." 

Zach put his hands up as he got onto his knees in front of his sister. "It's me. Its Zachy," he said gently ignoring the other boys who he was sure would make fun of his nickname.

"I'm sorry Zachy," Reese stuttered as she reached out for a hug. 

"You're not the one who has to be sorry," Zach said gently as Emily stepped out to take a phone call. 

Emily walked in with a tiny smile. "My dad said he wants us for Thanksgiving dinner. I agree with him. Set this aside during the holidays." 

"Are you crazy? Look what he's done to Corbyn and Reese!" Zach asked in horror. 

Daniel smiled at Emily. "We were talking and were planning to learn more about what he's planning. During the dinner, if one of us excused ourselves to go to the bathroom we could have a little look around." 

"I like Thanksgiving," Reese mumbled. "I also like your car. Can we ride in it?" 

Emily grinned as she knelt in front of Reese. "Of course. I have others at my house. Do you want to see them tomorrow during the dinner?" 

Reese nodded eagerly. "I love cars." 

"We have to go," Jack said as he looked at his watch. "Come on Emily." 

They pulled into the parking lot of the police station several minutes later and collected their notes and thumb drive. They hurried inside and an officer looked up at them. "How can I help you two today?" 

"We have evidence that proves Corbyn Besson wasn't the killer," Jack said.

The officer sighed. "We've already seen the evidence." 

"Just a moment of your time," Emily pleaded. 

"This way," the officer muttered as he headed down a hall into an office. He took a seat and motioned for them to do the same. "I'm waiting." 

Emily pulled out a hunting rifle. "This is the only gun Corbyn has ever used." 

"Do you think it possible he used the .22?" the officer asked. 

Jack pulled the thumb drive out of his pocket. "Could've been except for the fact that he was at work sir. Here's the security footage for the times the murder happened." 

Hours passed of waiting as the officer watched the tape. He finally walked out with a satisfied look on his face. "I applaud you two. It's not easy to prove someone's innocence. We'll make a few calls but you guys can head to the prison. He should be released in a few hours."

Hi guys, I'm going on vacation for a few days so I needed to find a way not to make a cliffhanger but anyways I hope you liked this chapter. I'll be posting again on Wednesday. Stay safe ❤

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