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*Some child abuse towards the end. Please skip the last POV if it affects you*

Emily's POV

Everything was happening too fast. I couldn't believe what had happened. Zach was standing next to me whispering into my ear, but I was too stressed to pay attention. Jonah was pacing the room, clearly angry about Corbyn. Daniel sat down and rested his head on the counter. I couldn't stand him but I was concerned. "You okay?"

Daniel ignored me as he turned to Jack. "Where did you take the weapons? Where's my truck?"

"Corbyn got a tip that they were coming so we packed all the weapons into the truck and he drove them to an area in the woods. I then just set the basement up to look normal," Jack replied.

Daniel went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. "Do we know who tipped him off?"

Jack shook his head as he sat down. "I don't know Dani," he sighed as he turned to me. "Em, how do you feel?"

I shook my head as I went upstairs. I needed to check my phone. I went into my room and found my phone sitting on the desk. When I turned it on I had over a hundred missed calls from my friends. I dialed Nicole's number. "What the hell is going on?"

"Oh my God! Emily why weren't you answering your phone? We've been trying to contact you for hours. Where have you been? Have you heard about Mia?" Nicole sobbed from the other end of the line. "Emmy, I thought we'd lost you too."

I slid onto the floor, in too much shock from everything that had happened. "What happened to Mia? Do they know yet?"

Nicole sighed. "She was shot five times. Apparently one of your guards did it. Mr. Besson."

"Corbyn didn't do anything," I stuttered. "He was at work the past two days. Ask my dad."

"Em, your dad turned him in," Nicole sighed. "They have evidence that it was him."

Corbyn's POV

I couldn't think. I couldn't feel anything. I'd met Mia once and flirted with her a little when we hung out but otherwise we didn't know each other. I sat quietly in the chair as they put me into the system. Eventually they took my mugshot photo and took me to get into the orange jumpsuit they'd found for me. My legs were cuffed as well as my hands as I was led to my cell. They removed the cuffs and locked the cell. I sat down on the cot, thinking of who could've framed me. My thoughts were interrupted when an inmate was brought in. He was a large man in his mid-twenties. "What are you in for?"

"I was framed for murder," I muttered, not daring to look up at him.

He crossed his arms as he stared down at me. "No one just gets framed for murder." 

"They do in the mafia," I muttered. 

His eyes widened as he got onto his own cot. We sat in uncomfortable silence until he finally told me he was tired and decided to sleep before we were taken to the actual prison. I wish I could've slept. I knew I was getting out of here eventually. They would find the real killer. I stared at the ceiling for an hour before two officers walked in. I was cuffed and led to the bus. I sat at the window quietly, trying my best not to draw attention to myself. A kid a little younger than me sat next to me. He looked pretty rough. He looked at me and his eyes grew. "Be careful," he whispered. 

"Of?" I whispered back. 

He didn't respond and I looked where he was staring. The woman looked familiar. Where had I seen her before? I couldn't remember.

Reese's POV

I'm scared and I don't know where I am. I think it's been a week. That's what Andre told me. I don't know who I am or why I'm here. They hit me every day. I'm not allowed to cry or scream. I cried yesterday and now my face hurts. They don't want me to be too noisy. It's dark in here and smells funny. A man walked into the room and threw me into the wall. All I saw were black dots as he came towards me. "I'm sorry," I whispered. 

"Your brother killed my son, so I'm going to kill you," the man yelled. 

I covered my eyes, scared that he was going to attack me or show me something scary again. "Where's Andre?" 

"That's what I want to know," the man yelled at me before leaving. 

I started to cry. I didn't want to cry. He would hit me. I was too scared. He turned around and stormed towards me. "Be quiet!" 

"Yessir," I mumbled. 

He kicked me before storming out of the room. I curled up on the cot I'd been given and burrowed under the blanket. I wanted Zach. I wanted to leave. I wanted to see my mom. "Please come back Zach." 

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