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Corbyn's POV

A guard walked up to my cell and opened it. "Follow me sir," he muttered. 

I was confused when he didn't cuff me but I wasn't about to ask him about it. Those cuffs were painful. I was led into the common room but no one was there. Made sense, since visiting hours hadn't started yet. We continued walking until we got to the main entrance. Before I knew what was happening, Emily ran into my arms. "Hey, what's going on?" I stuttered, trying my best to collect myself. 

Jack grinned as he put an arm around me. "You're free. They're finishing up the paperwork right now." 

"We gave them the security footage and some other evidence," Emily explained. 

Jack handed me a bag of clothes. "Get dressed. We have to get ready for Thanksgiving." 

We got home and the first person I saw was Reese running out to greet me. I picked her up as we went inside. "I'm home." 

Zach ran down and smiled. "Bean, you're finally free." 

Daniel appeared at the top of the stairs, his blond hair pulled neatly back and a tie hanging around his neck. "Come get ready. We're going to Emily's house." 

I shook my head. "I can't." 

"Why?" Jonah asked as he put on his security jacket. 

"You guys have fun. I'll meet Jordan and Ashley at the bar or something," I sighed as I got out my phone. "I can't deal with Arthur tonight." 

"You don't have to. I'll be talking to him after dinner," Emily told me. 

Jonah's POV

I pulled into the driveway and parked in front of the house. I was having dinner with the guards while everyone else went inside. Gordon walked over to me. "Where is the thumb drive?" 

"With the police. They just released Corbyn," I answered as I followed him into the staff dining hall. 

Gordon didn't respond, which I found interesting. He almost seemed angry. My thoughts were interrupted when Carson, one of the butlers sat next to me. I asked about his kids and he asked about my family. We'd gotten to know each other when I drove him home from work. Arthur paid us just enough to not quit but not enough for most of us to live an affordable lifestyle. 

Zach's POV

Dinner was over and Daniel was next to me on the couch, while Emily went to speak with her dad. Jack was standing in the corner flirting with one of Emily's cousins. Reese was playing with Emily's nieces in the next room. I was sad Jonah and Corbyn weren't here but more important things were on my mind. "Dani, she'll be done soon. Do I look okay?" 

Daniel smiled as he adjusted my tie. "You're fine. Just breathe. Have some more wine." 

On cue, the butler walked over holding a tray of wine glasses. I took a glass and looked at Daniel. "I don't want you to keep hating her. Please try and get along." 

"Okay, Z. I promise you right now. I'll be as loyal to Emily as I am to the rest of you," Daniel replied. 

"Thanks," I said, mostly relieved, knowing Daniel was always good to his word.

Emily walked out of the office and waved to me. She was stunning. Her fitting blue dress and heels. "Ready?" 

I got up and took her hand. "Very." 

I led Emily to her favorite car and helped her in. We drove as we vibed to her usual playlist. I finally pulled into over favorite spot at the beach. I'd intentionally skipped dessert at her house since Jonah had kindly made us some pie and other things we could have here. I wanted it to be a time where we could relax and ignore the mission for a few hours. 

I got the blankets and food out of the car and set it up past some of the lounge chairs that people had left. She grinned up at me. "What's the special occasion?" 

"Let's eat first," I replied handing her a glass of wine. 

We finished our food and I laid next to her as we stared up at the sky. I felt her shift against me and put a hand on her back. She got on top of me and brushed her lips against mine. I was taken slightly by surprise but she'd always had a dominant side. "Hey," I whispered. "Can I tell you something?" 

Emily nodded as she looked into my eyes. "Anything." 

"Emmy, we've put you through so much yet you were there for us, no questions asked. I knew I liked you but when I saw you help me find my sister I knew I loved you. I want to be there for you the same way you are for us," I said softly. "I was hoping maybe you'd like to be my girlfriend." 

Emily was quiet for a moment and I was worried she was going to decline my offer. She leaned in for a kiss and nodded. "I love you, Zach Herron." 

I'm back from the short trip and I wrote this chapter during that time. I'll be back to posting daily. Love you guys and hope you liked this chapter. I thought this one was sweet 💙

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