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Zach's POV

I woke up and all I saw was white. White roof, white walls, white floors, white table, white bed with white sheets. I stood up and stumbled to a wall and hit it. No sound. No sense of time. I curled up against the wall praying they would never find Emily. Several minutes passed as I sat there thinking about the boys. I was getting drowsy, though I'd done nothing. I curled up and fell asleep. When I woke up there was a plate of food on the table. Plain white rice and some water to be exact. I was too hungry to care. I finished it and went back to the wall. Curious about how big the room was I leaned up against the wall and began walking. I felt a corner and turned with it, praying maybe I'd find a door. After a few feet I found another corner and followed it until I reached my bed. Another corner. Once I'd established where all the corners were I sat down. I looked down at the pants and shirt I was wearing. They were white too. I began thinking about the boys again. Daniel. He'd been there when Emily's dad came in. Where was he? I started banging on the wall in a panic. "Daniel! Let me out, I have to find him!"

Two guards seemed to appear out of nowhere. I tried pleading with them. Begging them to tell me what had happened to Daniel. They refused. I wasn't surprised. They took my plate and began to head out. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what. I walked to my bed and curled up, hoping I could fall asleep.

It was like this for days. I had to ask to go to the bathroom and they'd take me to a white bathroom that was down a white hallway. I didn't know what anyone looked like anymore. I probably wouldn't recognize them again. I couldn't take it anymore. I clawed at my arm, desperate to see something other than white. I went to the bed and felt for any screws or sharp corners. I found one and ran my arm down it as hard as I could. Specks of blood showed up and I was almost relieved. I'd forgotten what other colors looked like. The relief didn't last long as one of the guards walked in and grabbed me. He cleaned my wound and put a white bandage over it. He then put white gloves on my hands and tied them so I couldn't take them off.

Daniel's POV

I'd asked my guards how long I'd been there, but they don't talk. We thought the first week was bad. I now wore gloves on my hands and padded white slippers to keep me from scratching myself and from hearing my footsteps. I didn't remember much. I knew that I was terrified, but I couldn't remember my captor. I was sitting on the floor trying my best to remember when a low hissing sound started. I tried to focus on one thought at a time but soon my thought process wouldn't work. I didn't remember why I was in here. I vaguely remembered protecting someone but had no idea what their names were or how I knew them. Noticed a plate that I hadn't seen before and stumbled to it, hoping they were finally bringing me food. I got there and realized I had been seeing things. I curled up on the floor and fell asleep. 

When I woke up two guards were standing over me in their usual white uniforms. "Where's Zach?" I asked. He was the only person I could really remember. 

The humming was getting irritating. The taller guard knelt down and looked me in the eyes. "He didn't cooperate. We tried to warn him, but he was too stubborn. The boss shot him." 

I lunged at the guard but he threw me back against the wall. I wanted to fight back, but I couldn't. I hadn't eaten in almost a week and was only given enough water to keep me alive. I felt my hands being pulled behind my back and heard the sound of handcuffs. That's all I really remembered before passing out.

Emily's POV

Several weeks had passed and things were tense between Jonah and Corbyn. A few fights had broken out and Jack had to separate them. I went upstairs to find Corbyn laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. "What's going on? You've been acting strange since Daniel and Zach disappeared." 

Corbyn sat up and looked at me. I'd never seen him so sad before. "You wouldn't get it." 

I sat beside him. "I know how it feels to think you're about to lose someone you love. Zach's out there and I know he's in some kind of trouble." 

Corbyn shook his head as he moved over to make room on the bed. "I never got to tell Daniel I loved him. We don't really talk about it and honestly Emmy, I think he likes you." 

It was true. Daniel had been very flirty with me since Zach and I had broken up. I put an arm around Corbyn. "When we find them, you'll get a chance to tell him." 

Jonah's POV

Corbyn walked downstairs with Emily and I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his drama today. He approached me and got up. "What do you want Besson?" 

Corbyn looked at the floor as he tried to compose himself. "Jonah I'm sorry for taking out my frustrations on you. You've tried to help us find them and I've just been a dick to you." 

I smiled slightly as I looked at him. "Don't worry about it. I was kind of a dickhead to you too." 

Corbyn laughed as he looked up at me. "Yeah, kind of." 

"Shut up," I laughed as I shoved him. "And we're going to find them. We just have to keep looking around." 

Jack's POV

Emily and I had been at the hospital with Reese for what seemed like hours now and she was asleep in the chair next to her. I noticed the slight baby bump and smiled. Seeing how protective she was of Reese, I knew she was going to be a good mom. I was glad she'd helped Corbyn and Jonah stop fighting and with Kristin out of the picture, we had a better chance at getting things done. 

"Zach," a voice said. 

I sat up and looked towards the doorway. No one. Was Emily having a nightmare or something? "I want Zachy," a small voice murmured. 

Emily woke up with a start and went to the bedside. "Jack. She's waking up!" 

I joined Emily at the bedside and breathed a sigh of relief. Reese's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at us. "I want Zachy," she repeated. 

"He'll be here soon," I whispered as Emily hugged the little girl. "I swear he'll be here soon." 

A nurse ran in and immediately began checking Reese's vitals. She looked stunned as she looked at me. "And she even remembers her brother?" 

I nodded as I hugged Reese. "She does." 

Reese began to get drowsy and she got slightly limp in my arms. I looked at the nurse who had me move out of the way. "Hi. Can you stay awake for a little bit?"

Reese pouted and the nurse smiled. "I know you're tired, but you're doing so good. Just stay awake five more minutes." 

It took almost an hour before Reese was wheeled back into the room. The nurse smiled as she put the sleeping child onto the bed. "She's going to be fine. We'll keep her to make sure she doesn't relapse but she's just tired right now." 

There was a smile on Emily's face that I hadn't seen in a long time. She jumped into my arms and I hugged her. "We have to find him. It's even more important than it was before." 

I had to find a way to put white torture into the book because I've always been interested in its psychological effects. Forget about waiting till Monday. From now to the end of the book, I'm just going to post as I finish the chapters. I wrote like 5 last night but I'm not posting them all right away. Anyways enjoy 💙

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