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No One's POV

"When did it get so complicated? It was supposed to be simple. Kill Arthur, get the money we deserved and skip town or at least erase all the evidence leading up to us," Corbyn sighed as he helped Zach load the truck with weapons he might need. 

A car pulled in and Eben stepped out. "Hello, Herron." 

Zach nodded as he got in the driver's seat. "Ready?" 

Eben joined Zach after greeting the others and they left. Nicole's car pulled into the driveway and she ran straight inside looking for Jack who was in his room napping. An unfamiliar car drove through the neighborhood before leaving again. Daniel felt uneasy about it but didn't address it, not wanting to worry anyone. "I have to go check something," Jonah was saying as he pushed past Daniel. 

Jonah grabbed his hoodie and got into his car. He sped out of the driveway and onto the main road, knowing being late could get him into serious trouble. Almost two hours later, he parked behind an abandoned building and went inside to find four men with guns glaring at him. "Cutting it a little close aren't we." 

"Fuck off," Jonah muttered as he pushed past the guards. 

"What did you say?" a guard growled. 

"You heard me," Jonah snapped as he continued walking. 

He made his way upstairs where he was met by a man he'd never seen before. Sizing him up, he figured he could easily take him if he had to. The man seemed to sense this as he reached for a knife. Jonah pulled out his gun. "Try me." 

The man backed away and Jonah finally made it into the makeshift office. He tossed a paper bag onto the desk. "Here's what I made from our last attack. Take it or leave it." 

"Don't forget what I have on all of you but especially Zach. I could turn Emily on you so fast you wouldn't know what hit you," the girl said calmly. 

"You have a death wish?" Jonah hissed. "I said to leave Emily out of it." 

"For a price," the girl whispered. 

"Which is?" 

"Fifty thousand," the girl replied. 

Jonah scoffed and began to walk out of the room. The girl stood up and followed Jonah. The smug look on her face angered Jonah. "Or I could kill Emily right now." 

Jonah whirled around and punched the girl right in the face. She fell against the wall, blood already running from her broken nose. "Try it and I'll kill you," he growled before storming out of the room. 

Jonah knew he'd messed up. He knew this girl knew all their secrets and could easily get them arrested. The second she'd brought Emily up, he completely snapped. He hoped he hadn't complicated things more than they already were.

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon at the house. Zach had gone out to look for Arthur's lair. Daniel and Corbyn were sitting at the table with earpieces in and the laptop out communicating with Zach in case of new information. Jack was busy trying to hit on Nicole who finally seemed interested in him. Emily walked into the room and opened the fridge. A gunshot rang out and Daniel took out his earpiece. "What the fuck?"

"What's wrong?" Zach asked through the earpiece.

"We have to go," Corbyn stuttered as another gunshot sounded.

A third gunshot rang out and the window shattered. "Get down!" Jack yelled.

"Someone's missing," Jonah stuttered as he ran downstairs. "I know Zach's out but who else isn't in here?"

Nicole counted from her position on the ground. "Reese!"

As if on cue a scream rang out from outside. Corbyn ran out the front door and found Reese in the grass barely conscious. "I need my gun!" he yelled through the door.

Jonah tossed a gun out the door and Corbyn caught it. He quickly fired at one of the men who'd gotten out of the car before running towards Reese. "I got you," he assured the little girl as he picked her up.

Jonah ran out the door with his own gun, knowing it was the only way to keep anyone from entering the house while Corbyn got Reese inside. He began shooting towards the car that was still parked near the driveway. His eyes grew when a man walked out with an AK-47. "Get inside!"

Corbyn felt a sharp pain spread through his side and grabbed the door for support. Daniel grabbed Reese while Corbyn tried to regain his composure. Jonah ran inside and slammed the door shut. "Get behind the island."

Knowing the police were coming, Daniel collected all the guns and computers and took them to the basement before joining the others inside the kitchen. "Corbyn is there any more guns lying around? Corbyn? Answer me."

Jonah looked at Corbyn and his eyes widened. "He's been shot. Look how he's passed out."

Jack had his shirt off, using it to stop the bleeding where Reese had been shot. "Stay with me, sweetheart. Please stay with me. I'm right here," he was saying to the unconscious child.

"There are no other weapons out," Jonah said as he grabbed a dish towel and put it over Corbyn's side.

It wasn't long before sirens sounded and the gunshots stopped. There was a knock at the door and Daniel went to the door to find an officer standing there. "Any injuries?"

"A nine-year-old and twenty-year-old," Daniel stuttered.

The officer waved the medics over. As the ambulances left, Zach's car swerved into the driveway and he jumped out. "What the hell is going on here?"

"There was a shooting," Jonah stuttered.

It was now that Zach noticed Jack and Jonah covered in blood. "Where's Reese?" he asked as he took Emily into his arms to check her over.

"She and Corbyn were shot. Zach, she wasn't breathing when they left," Nicole muttered. 

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