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No One's POV

Not wanting to get married while Emily was pregnant, they held the wedding back until the baby came. Zach felt Emily nudge him and moaned. He was exhausted from the party with the boys the night before. Emily shook him and he rolled onto his back. "What do you want Emmy?" 

"It's time," Emily replied as she slowly made her way off the bed. 

"Time..." Zach muttered still not fully awake. Then it hit him and he sat up. "Oh my God. It's time?" 

Zach jumped out of the bed and grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor. He took a hoodie out of the closet and pulled it on before helping Emily out the door. 

The phone rang, waking up Daniel. He reached for it and saw Zach's name. "It's two in the morning. What the hell do you want?" 

Corbyn looked sleepily at Daniel, annoyed that he'd been woken up because of a phone call. Daniel sat up and grabbed a hoodie off a chair. "Come on. Emily's have the baby now," he said as he dialed Jack's number. "Jonah and Andre will meet us there. I need to call Jack and Nicole." 

It was hours before Emily was taken to the delivery room. The boys and Nicole made small talk to distract Emily from the contractions. The small talk continued as Emily was taken into the delivery room followed by Zach. 

"Are you guys going to continue... you know?" Nicole asked as she rested against Jack. 

Corbyn shook his head as he ruffled Daniel's hair. "Not with a baby in the group. We talked to Eben and he's finding a new group for himself. We've made enough money for retirement anyway." 

The conversation continued until Zach walked out of the room. "Guys," he whispered. 

They stood up and went up to their friend. Zach gently pulled the blanket back revealing the most beautiful baby girl they'd ever seen. She opened her eyes and Daniel grinned. "Brown eyes just like her dad." 

Andre reached out and Zach handed her over. "Hi. I'm uncle Andre." 

"Have you decided on a name?" Corbyn asked. 

Zach nodded as he took the baby back. "Olivia. Emily wanted to name her in honor of her mother." 

Emily's POV

Weeks had passed since we'd brought Olivia into the world and now I was standing in the dressing room while Nicole zipped up my dress. Zach's mom walked in and smiled. "I'm sorry I was so harsh on you. I now see how perfect you are for my son. This is my apology gift." 

I took the flowers and hugged Myta. "Thank you. I understand how you felt." 

There was a knock on the door and Daniel poked his head in. "How's the bride doing?" 

I smiled as he walked in adjusting his tux. He went to the baby carrier and tickled Olivia's toes before coming up to me. "Nervous, but great." 

He kissed my cheek. "You're stunning." 

Daniel picked the veil off of the table and put it on my head. Since I didn't really have any relatives I was close to, Daniel was walking me down the aisle. He was also a best man. Reese ran in with her flower crown and wearing her dress. "Hi, mom." 

Myta smiled as she hugged her daughter. "Hi, baby." 

"Zachy wants you," Reese told her.

Zach's POV

Jonah adjusted my tie and stepped back as my mom walked into the room. "I'll give you two a minute." 

When he and the other boys had left I turned to my mom. "Are you sure? I don't want to do something that you really don't want." 

My mom shook her head as hugged me. "This is your day. You're marrying the most amazing girl. I know I was rude to her, but I just apologized to her. When I saw how she took care of Reese, I realized I'd made a mistake." 

It wasn't long before I was standing at the altar. The music started playing and some of Emily's cousins walked down the aisle. Next came Nicole, followed by Reese with her basket of flowers and Emily's nephew with the rings. The waves crashing in the background made the wedding even better. Emily appeared with her arm linked with Daniel's. She was stunning. Her long brown hair had been put in a bun and there was a small crown of flowers keeping the veil up. As I looked down her dress fit her body perfectly. 

The ceremony began but neither of us was listening. "I love you," she mouthed to me. 

"I love you more," I mouthed back. 

We eventually said our vows and put the rings on each other. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

I pulled Emily into my arms, feeling her brush her lips gently across mine. There was applause and we pulled apart. She held my hand as we walked back down the aisle. Seeing my mom was holding Olivia, I led Emily into the changing room and closed the door as I pushed her against the wall. She grinned up at me. "Can you believe it?" 

"It's about damn time," I whispered as I kissed her. "Took too long in my opinion." 

She kissed me and pulled away. "I'm going to go change into the more comfortable dress so we can party." 

I nodded and opened the door for her to find Jack and Jonah waiting outside. They smirked and I rolled my eyes. We went out for the wedding pictures before the reception. My mom took Olivia to her house several hours later, leaving the rest of us to keep the party going. Jonah raised his glass and cleared his throat. "I'd like to raise a toast to the happy couple." 

The last chapter comes out soon. I've started making the new one which is called Fear of the Unknown. It's another one that's slightly out of my genre but the main character is based on my cousin. I'm posting it starting tomorrow. I hope you liked this chapter. Love you guys 💕

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