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No One's POV

The next two months were torture for Corbyn and Emily. Daniel and Zach had been kept in a medically induced coma to keep the healing process as painless as possible. There was a moan across the room and Emily sat up. "Zach?" 

"Em?" Zach murmured. 

Emily hurried to the bedside and hugged Zach. "Hey, baby. How do you feel?" 

"Like hell," Zach muttered as he sat up a little. "Emmy." 

Emily smiled as she laid next to him. "It's okay. You can sleep now." 

"What about your dad," Zach whimpered. 

Emily shook her head. "He's dead. The police arrested all the others. You're finally safe." 

Zach nuzzled up against her and put a hand on Emily's stomach which was much bigger from the last time he saw her. "Girl or boy?" 

"I don't know yet. I was waiting to find out with you," Emily replied. "When you get out of here it's the first thing we'll do." 

"Em, I'm so sorry about everything," Zach sighed. 

"Don't worry about it. I should've listened," Emily sighed. "I have a surprise for you." 

Zach raised an eyebrow. "Really?" 

Jonah walked in holding Reese's hand. "Welcome back buddy. Here's your baby sister." 

"Zachy!" Reese squealed with excitement as she crawled onto the bed. 

A grin spread across Zach's face and he reached out for Reese. "I've got you." 

Corbyn was asleep on the couch in the hospital room when he heard someone call him. He woke up and saw Daniel starting to wake up. He jumped to his feet and approached the boy. "Dani. Oh my God, you're alive." 

"Hi..." he moaned as he tried to sit up. 

Corbyn helped Daniel sit up and sat beside him. "I can't believe I almost lost you." 

"I wasn't going to let that happen," Daniel murmured as he rested against Corbyn. "I love you." 

"What?" Corbyn asked in surprise.

Daniel looked away, worried Corbyn didn't feel the same. Corbyn pulled him close and kissed his cheek. "I love you too." 

Emily's POV

Many more months passed and we'd learned we were having a girl. Zach was the happiest I'd seen him in a long time. Daniel and Corbyn had moved into their own apartment. Zach and I had just recently done the same. Jack was officially dating Nicole. 

I was in the car with a blindfold over my eyes while Zach drove. We were blasting our favorite summer songs with the windows rolled down. "Where are we going Z?" 

I felt Zach's hand squeeze my leg. "Patience my love." 

Eventually, the car stopped and we got out. I felt Zach's breath on my neck and shivered slightly. He removed the blindfold and found ourselves at a gazebo with a beach view. There was a whole picnic set up with a speaker to play our favorite songs. We sat down and enjoyed the meal that I assumed Jonah had cooked. I got up and looked out at the water. I felt Zach come up behind me. "The view is beautiful isn't it." 

Zach nodded as he turned me around. "My view sure is." 

I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed slowly to the music. Zach put a hand on my stomach and grinned. "Bet she'll be beautiful just like her mama." 

"With gorgeous eyes like her dad," I whispered. 

Zach pulled away and got onto one knee. "Emily, I know I said this when I asked to date you, but I've never met someone like you. We put you through so much and yet you stayed. You were there when no one else was. You protected Reese when I couldn't. I want to be there for you and now for our baby. I can't imagine life without you. I'm in love with you Emily and I want you in my life." 

Tears ran down my cheeks as I watched Zach pull a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and looked straight into my eyes. "Emily Rose Walton, will you marry me?" 

I nodded as he put the ring on my finger. "I love you, Zach. Yes, I'll marry you!" 

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