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Daniel's POV

I slammed open a door and Emily threw Andre into the room. I helped her get Andre tied to the chair and nodded at Emily. "Take your place. Only do what I tell you to. Is that clear?"

Emily was clearly angry with me but nodded obediently before picking up her knife and standing near our victim. I took a chair and sat down, looking Andre straight in the eyes. He was shaking. I wasn't surprised. Tenth grader with a father involved in the mafia. "Where is she?" I growled.

"Who?" Andre whimpered, trying to adjust himself. I assume the ropes were cutting into his wrists. 

"Where is Zach's baby sister?" I yelled motioning for Emily to step forward. 

Andre's eyes widened. I guess he'd heard Zach's name before. Wasn't a surprise. Zach was well known in the mafia world. He and I were the most lethal in our group. "I haven't seen her before in my life," Andre stuttered. 

I pulled out a picture of the nine-year-old girl. Andre shook his head. "Adorable kid. I swear I haven't seen her. Please let me go." 

I made a swiping motion with my hand and Emily put her knife to Andre's wrist. He began to struggle but Emily was too fast for him and he soon had blood running down both hands. I pulled out my phone. "It's too bad you couldn't have told me." 

Andre didn't seem to be paying attention. He was staring up at Emily who looked just as confused as I was. She slapped him. "What are you looking at?" 

"Is your name Emily?" Andre was asking as I texted Zach to come immediately. 

Emily remained silent, but lowered her knife, to show she meant no harm at the moment. Andre seemed to take that as a yes. "We work with your dad. I mean they do." 

Emily's jaw clenched and she turned to me. I rolled my eyes, not interested in dealing with her. I pulled out my gun and put it to Andre's head. "So your goal is to kill her as well?" 

"That was between her dad and Terrence. That's all I know. My dad does whatever hers tells him to do," Andre whispered. 

Before I could say anything, Zach burst into the room with Jonah behind him. Emily opened her mouth to explain but Zach pushed past her and went straight for Andre. Jonah leaned into me. "Andre and Emily look a lot alike. The eyes. The hair." 

"They aren't siblings Jo," I whispered. "And where's Jack?" 

"Forget Jack. What the hell is Zach doing?" Jonah muttered. 

I looked up and saw Zach untying Andre. "Hey, bud. What are you doing?" 

"Take her out of the room. I don't want her to see this," Zach whispered to me. "I'll explain everything later." 

I nodded and went to Emily. "Come with us. I'll show you the rest of the place." 

"What about Andre?" Emily asked. 

I shook my head as I tried to lead her out the door. "He'll be fine." 

"Why is Zach staying?" Emily stuttered. 

"Just come with me," I sighed as Jonah took her arm. 

We closed the door and began leading her away. "Em, you trust me right?" Jonah asked gently. 

Emily nodded tearfully as I led her upstairs. Jonah smiled. "Then just come upstairs." 

Zach's POV

Noticing the wounds on Andre's hands I pulled out my lighter. "Where is she?" I asked as I approached him. "Where's Reese?" 

Andre shook his head as he cowered against the wall. "Please leave me alone. I don't know." 

I put the small flame against his wounds causing a bloodcurdling scream. Andre tried to stand up, but I was too quick and shot him in the leg. I grabbed him by the shirt collar and slammed his head into the wall. "What did you do to her?" 

"Nothing, I swear. I'm just a kid. Leave me alone," Andre screamed, trying his best to get away from me. "My dad probably did it." 

I threw him to the ground as I noticed a small bucket of boiling water. Daniel read my mind. I smirked as I picked up the bucket, wincing at how hot the handle was. Andre was trembling as he looked up at me. "You know exactly what's going on, don't you. You're just as involved as Terrence and your father." 

"Terrence was working for both teams," Andre snapped. 

I splashed a small bit of the hot water at Andre. "Watch your attitude." 

Andre seemed to have gained some confidence as he glared at me. "Reese deserves everything she got." 

I couldn't deal with him anymore. I dumped the still boiling water onto Andre and he screamed as it soaked him and splashed parts of his face. I threw the bucket at him and stormed out of the room, locking the door behind me. I got to the car to find Emily asleep in Jonah's arms. It had been a crazy week for her. I got in and Jonah shifted her onto my lap. "Don't wake her. She just stopped crying." 

I nodded as I ran my fingers through her hair. "We'll keep Andre there. He's our pawn." 

When we got home I noticed our truck was gone and Jack standing outside in a hoodie and sweats. We got out of the car and ran to him. "Why are you up? You should be resting." 

Corbyn walked out of the house with an angry look on his face. "He helped me clear out the weapon room and revert it to a normal basement." 

"Why?" I asked. 

He opened his mouth to reply when two police cars pulled in. An officer stepped out and approached us. "Gentlemen, I have a search warrant." 

"Yes sir," Daniel said calmly.

A second came up behind Corbyn. "Mr. Besson, we have a warrant for your arrest. We have reason to believe you killed Mia Hendrickson." 

"Who?" Corbyn asked with panicked eyes. 

"My best friend," Emily stuttered. "Officer, he would never kill Mia." 

The officer handcuffed Corbyn and led him to the car. "The evidence tells a different story." 

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