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Daniel's POV

Months passed of us getting to know Emily and watching her dad get more and more hostile the closer she got to Zach. I was getting sick of waiting. If Zach hadn't been falling for this damn girl the mission would've been done by now. We had to find ways to keep everyone safe this time. Emily walked into the living room in Zach's hoodie. I could see why he liked her. She was hot. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away when she took my arm. I turned and saw her looking up at me with her big blue eyes. "Why do you hate me so much?" she asked. 

I gritted my teeth. I didn't want to have to deal with her this afternoon. I had something I had to do. I tried to walk away but she wouldn't let me go. "I don't hate you." 

"Then why do you always have to get so angry when I'm around. Don't think I haven't noticed," she sighed as she stared at the floor. "My dad did something to your family didn't he..." 

Something in me snapped when she said that. I threw her against the wall and she screamed. I put a hand over her mouth as I glared at her. "Don't you dare speak about your father as if you're better than him. I'm going to assume you haven't told Zach about your dealings with Terrence. How he double-crossed you for whatever reason." 

The terror in Emily's eyes proved I was right. "Little princess thought she could be in the mafia and stay safe. Your dad found out and hasn't let you out of his sight since." 

"How did you know?" Emily stuttered as I kept her pinned against the wall. With the other boys talking in the basement, they must not have heard her earlier scream. 

I smirked as I took her by the shirt collar. I dragged her to our office and pulled out my phone. I showed her the photo we'd found in her dad's desk. "He's plotting against you. How naive do you have to be?" 

"He's my dad," she whimpered. 

"He's a fucking mafia leader. He's a murderer," I bellowed pulling a knife out of my pocket. "You know who killed my brothers don't you." 

Emily shook her head as she cowered against the wall. I put the blade to her wrist as I kept her pinned against the wall. "Deny it. I dare you." 

"It was me," she sobbed as she tried to escape. "I was in the small clearing and I signaled them to attack. I didn't tell Zach. I let him think I believed his story but I knew it was you." 

Jack's POV

A scream came from upstairs interrupting the conversation I was having with Zach. We put the guns down and ran upstairs to see what was going on. Emily was sat against the wall with Daniel standing over her. She was holding her left arm and I frowned before I realized what had happened. "Back off Daniel!"

Zach ran to Emily and pulled her into his arms. A bright red spot began to grow on Zach's shirt. It was coming from Emily's wrist. "Daniel, why the hell did you cut her?" 

Before Daniel could say anything Jonah and Corbyn walked in. "We're home." 

I put my head in my hands. This was only going to get worse. Emily glanced at them. "You're with him..." 

Jonah and Corbyn nodded quietly as they took off their jackets. She turned to me and I nodded. She looked nervously at Zach. He nodded as well. "I didn't want to do it," she began to cry. 

"Do what?" Zach asked worriedly as he put a wet towel over her wound. 

"She killed Christian and Tyler," Daniel snapped. 

I knew I was supposed to be angry but I was more impressed. She didn't seem like someone to be in the mafia. I approached her and she flinched. I looked her up and down before meeting Zach's eyes. He nodded as I circled her. "You decent with a gun?" 

"Corbyn and Jonah have been working with me," Emily replied anxiously. 

I cupped her chin and made her look at me. "You still want revenge on your father?" 

She nodded quietly. I knew she was scared even though I had no intention of hurting her. I turned to the others and they nodded, reading my mind almost immediately. I turned back to her. "Join us and we can guarantee you'll be safe." 

"What about him?" she asked quietly. 

I looked at Daniel. He pushed past her and stormed to the basement, but not before saying, "I won't hesitate to kill you." 

Zach sighed as he pulled out some bandages. "He'll come around. Once you have his loyalty you can never lose it. I think it's safe to say that the rest of us will protect you though." 

Corbyn nodded as he handed me a hard drive. He shook Emily's hand. "Welcome to the mafia." 

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