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This is gonna be short cause I don't know how to do endings very well. I'm still working on it. 

*2 years later*

No One's POV

They hadn't heard from Eben since the wedding and that was perfectly fine. They didn't care. Daniel and Corbyn had just gotten back from their own honeymoon a few months ago and Olivia was about to turn two. Jonah had met a new girl who was now in their group named Tessa. Jack and Nicole were making wedding preparations. 

"Daddy!" a voice called from the living room. 

"Come here Liv," he said from the kitchen. "What do you need baby?" 

Olivia toddled into the kitchen and raised her hands up to Zach, who immediately picked her up. "I sleepy," she muttered. 

Zach laughed as he fixed her hair. "Okay. Let's go sleep then." 

As he was laying Olivia down for her nap he heard a knock on the door. It wasn't long before he heard Emily answer it. It sounded like Daniel and Corbyn. He ran downstairs and grinned. "Ready for the Superbowl?" 

Daniel raised a six-pack of beers and grinned. "Maybe." 

Just then Jack, Nicole, and Jonah arrived followed by Andre. Zach helped Emily set up the kitchen while Jonah and Corbyn talked on the couch. Jack and Andre talked about which team they thought would win as they got their beers from the kitchen. 

"Would you stop eating the chips? There won't be enough for everyone else," Emily laughed as she slapped Zach's hand away. 

Zach laughed. "Yes, mom." 

Nicole walked into the kitchen and hugged Zach. "Do you mind if I steal your wife for a minute?" 

"Yes, but I'll allow it," Zach replied as he took another chip. 

Emily stopped chopping up the carrot stick for Olivia. "What's going on?" 

Nicole pulled a pregnancy test out from behind her back and Emily took it. "Congratulations?" 

"I don't know what he's going to do. We'd said we weren't ready but..." Nicole muttered as her voice trailed off. 

Emily sighed as she washed her hands. "Zach and I weren't ready either, but Olivia is the best thing that's happened to us. I know for a fact that Jack will be so happy." 

"What will he be happy about?" Corbyn asked before seeing the test resting in Nicole's hand. "Oh..." 

"Ladies, if we could stop chattering in the kitchen, I'm getting hungry," Daniel complained as he hugged Corbyn around the waist. "Oh, chips. Emily are you pregnant again?" 

Emily shook her head. "Not me this time." 

Nicole pushed past the group and went into the living room with the test behind her back. Tears were running down her face and Jack immediately stood up. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" 

She shook her head and pulled the pregnancy test out from behind her back. A small smile spread across Jack's face. "Oh baby, don't cry. This is the best news. I'm going to be a dad." 

"You're not mad?" Nicole asked. "We'd said we weren't ready." 

Jack pulled his fiance close. "I can't be angry. I've always wanted to be a father." 

Nicole saw Emily give her a thumbs up from over Jack's shoulder. "I told you so," Emily whispered. 

I'm so sad for this book to come to an end. It's my favorite one so far. As you can see I'm starting to do books for each of the boys. I've done Zach in this one. I want to do a better one for Jack so {inSane} doesn't really count but the next one "Fear of the Unkown" is a Daniel story. So I guess the first chapter of the new one comes out tomorrow 💕

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