3: Explody

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Ochako sighed as she rolled her suitcases behind her. Her dorm was on the top floor, on the far right. I would be a bit of a workout every day just to get there. She opened the door to her room and breathed a sigh of relief. 

The brunette could finally relax and slump on her bed. Ochako heard noises in the hallway but chose to ignore it. Unfortunately for her, she was wrong. 

"SHUT UP, STUPID SHITTY HAIR!" Ochako snapped up and looked at her open door. The noises were getting significantly louder and it was going to disturb her nap.

But she wasn't surprised when she found out the person to which the voice belonged to. Undoubtedly, that was the sound of Bakugo's voice. Who else would call Kirishima 'Shitty Hair'? None other than the walking bomb, the famous Katsuki Bakugo.

She breathed out and stood up, walking towards her door. If she couldn't get a nap in, she would get cranky. "Hey, hey. I'm the one thats helping you move into your dorm room." Ochako heard the slight chuckle of a certain redhead, along with heavy steps. Ah, Kirishima is here as well.

The brunette cautiously peeked her head out and saw Bakugo heaving two backpacks on his shoulders and dragging two suitcases behind him. Kirishima was lugging a duffel bag on his shoulders with a backpack on the other and rolling a suitcase next to him. 

Bakugo made a 'tch' noise and looked to his right to see Ochako looking at them. He narrowed his eyes and glared at her with the highest level of menace he could muster. "What're you looking at, Round Face?" The blonde snarled.

Ochako had to make a quick nickname. Something that would annoy him. Something that would make him shut up, even better. She was tired of him always calling her an insulting nickname. 

Round Face. Cheeks. Pink Cheeks. 

So now it was her turn. 

"Nothing, Explody." Ochako snarked back, joyed by the quick nickname she came up with. She watched as Bakugo sputtered in shock, despising the new nickname. Explosions crackled on his palm. "Nice to see you again, Kirishima."

Kirishima flashed a grateful smile and waved with one hand, letting the suitcase roll to the side. The brunette walked out the room and grabbed the suitcase rolling towards her. She smiled and walked towards the duo. "I'll help." She said, rolling the suitcase in front of her. 

"Thanks. Bakugo has a lot of crap." The redhead said, completely ignoring the fuming bomb next to him. A mistake that he would not make again. 

"Hey! This isn't all crap!" Bakugo shouted, turning his head around and glaring at Kirishima. Anger fueled his eyes. "This is all my clothes and stuff!"

"Whatever, Explody." Ochako scoffed, rolling the suitcase along with her. 

The redhead could see the smoke coming out of his ears. "Don't call me Explody!" Bakugo shouted, turning his head in the direction of Ochako. 

"Then don't call me Round Face, stupid."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Cheeks." 

"Okay, that's enough out of you, Bakugo." Kirisihima said, placing his hands on the blonde's back, pushing him forward. The brunette could hear Bakugo muttering swears and profanities under his breath. 

Bakugo seemed all the mad. He could never seem to actually get her mad and that pissed him off. What also pissed him off was that whatever her threw at her she would just brush it off with a cheeky smile. It didn't help that her round features had faded, so the nickname 'Round Face' rarely had any use. 

Ochako walked behind them, watching as Bakugo shouted at Kirishima while the redhead simply laughed it off. Bakugo stopped at the door diagonal from the brunette's room, fumbling with the doorknob, struggling with carrying everything and attempting to open the door.

The brunette sighed and walked in front of Bakugo, opening the door for him. Bakugo grunted in return and pushed the door open with his foot and walking in. Kirishima followed behind, pulling his suitcases along with him.


"Finally all set up." Kirishima sighed, brushing the dust off his pants. After 30 minutes of putting away Bakugo's clothes, organizing his shit, putting up posters and Kirishima and Ochako teasing Bakugo, they were finally done. 

Bakugo's room was plain, decorated with some band posters. His closet was all set up and there was a rug near the edge of his bed. His bed was plain, and the curtains stayed the same. 

"Yeah. Thanks for helping, I guess." The blonde muttered, sitting himself on his bed. Ochako waved gently before exited Bakugo's room, closing the door softly behind her. She put on a smirk before saying, "Bye Explody!"

"Shut up, Round Face!" Bakugo shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder. He scoffed and dropped his hands to his side, leaning on his hands. 

Kirishima walked closer to Bakugo. The redhead smirked at the fuming blonde. "She's hot, right?" He asked, pointing at the door with his thumb. Bakugo put his head straight and scratched at the front of his neck. 

"What're you talking about?" The blonde asked, bending over by the waist and reaching under his bed for a weight. His hands roamed the floor until his hand hit a metal bar. He dragged the weight out and put it on his leg. 

Kirishima laughed. Sometimes Bakugo didn't really get the hint. After all, he didn't really shine in social skills. "You've got to be kidding me. Despite that nickname you called her, the roundness in her face is gone. She's hot." The redhead said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

"I'd be watching what you're saying. You have a girlfriend." Bakugo pointed out, holding the weight in his hands and lifting it to his chest. He let out a huge gasp of air as he let the weight fall with his arm. "Besides, she's not that hot." 

"Yeah, I know I have a girlfriend. But I'm not talking in terms of me. I'm talking in terms of you." 

"What the hell are you yammering about?"

"You and her."

"Please. We're complete opposites."

"Exactly. Opposites attract. Like magnets."

"I think you're delusional. Besides, why would I date someone who dated that shitty nerd?"

"Midoriya? Dude, they broke up. Come on."

"Whatever. She's not hot."

Of course that was a lie. Ochako caught Bakugo's eye the second that he looked at her. Her hair had grown to her chest and the bangs in front of her hair had grown significantly longer. It was braided and held to the side. It was a bit messy, but Ochako thought it looked better like that. 

She was wearing a white skirt with a pink top, a tight fitting grey long sleeve under her pink shirt. Ochako was wearing white and stupid light pink striped thigh-high socks. The brunette had certainly grabbed her attention from the second he laid his eyes on her. But he tricked himself into thinking that it was just the moment. 

"You're zoning out. I think you're lying." 

"Shut up, shitty hair."

Kirishima saw that glazed look in his eyes. It wasn't a look that Bakugo got daily. At first, he was just joking but now he thought that it was true. Maybe. It was possible. "Whatever." The redhead quickly dropped the subject. 

But he didn't really realize what he said would come a reality.

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