5: Jirou and Kaminari

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"Uraraka, have you ever... masturbated before?" Mina asked, the question coming out a bit awkward. The silence was the same. Awkward.

Ochako bit her lip nervously. "No." She replied. The brunette crossed her legs under her and put her hands in front of her. She stretched out her hands and clenched her fists together.

"You haven't? You should try it sometime. Trust me. It's amazing."


What Mina said burned in her head yesterday. It's amazing. What could be so great about having an orgasm? She stared at the cup of coffee blankly, not noticing her surroundings. The heat had subsided into the air, leaving a cold cup of coffee. 

"Uraraka, are you okay?" Jirou asked, half-stumbling, half-walking. She was in normal attire, wearing a pair of black shorts that were covered by a large yellow shirt. "You seem be blanking out."

Ochako snapped out of her dazed state and looked up. She plastered on a smile and closed her eyes. "Yeah, just... thinking about some stuff." She said, opening her eyes once again and looked at her coffee. It was probably cold by now; she made it 20 minutes ago and was just staring at it.

"I'll make you another coffee. You've been like that for 20 minutes so its probably already cold." Jirou said, walking behind her and grabbing the bag of cocoa. "What're you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just something that Mina said." The brunette said, turning her head to look at Jirou. "Make it with extra sugar, please."

Jirou nodded and started to make the coffee. "I heard the yelling earlier. Bakugo is super loud." She said, shifting the cup around and clicking it into place. "Explody?"

A slight chuckle escaped her lips. "Just a spur of the moment thing, Jirou." Ochako laughed, grabbing the cup and pouring the cold coffee in the kitchen sink. "It's insulting that he keeps calling me 'Round Face' or 'Cheeks'. Or 'Pink Cheeks'."

"He loves calling me 'Ears'. But you've got it way worse." Jirou scoffed, watching as the brown liquid poured into the cup. As the pouring stopped, she removed the cup and placed it in front of her.

Ochako wrapped her hands around the hot cup of coffee and sipped the coffee. "Seems a bit strange." She mumbled to herself.

"What seems strange, Uraraka?" Jirou asked, glancing at the brunette.

"Nothing. Just random thoughts floating through my head. Hah hah." Ochako laughed it off and smiled, fooling the girl in front of her. "Just thinking about the new year. One week until the school week starts."

Jirou opened the steel refrigerator, reaching inside to grab a soda. "Yeah, I'm really excited." She said excitedly, closing the door and standing next to the brunette.

The girl fidgeted with the yellow shirt. That yellow shirt had looked vaguely familiar. It looked like... Kaminari's shirt.

"Jirou?" Ochako asked, looking up and down her body.

Jirou tilted her head up and met eyes with the brunette. "Hm?"

The girl smirked. "Are you wearing Kaminari's shirt?" Ochako asked, watching as Jirou's facial expression turned from a confused look to a flushed look. Her face turned a deep red. 

Jirou waved her hands out in front of her rambling about nonsense, refusing to directly answer her question. The brunette laughed at her reaction, doubling over. "Jirou, yes or no?" Ochako asked after she composed herself.

The girl wrapped her ear jack around her finger. "Yeah..." She quietly mumbled.

A loud yawn was heard from across the room. "Someone called my name?" Kaminari asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

It was a bit obvious that he was sleeping. His disheveled hair, his black shirt and grey joggers, and the fact that he had just yawned. It was either that or...

"Wait a minute." Ochako said, holding her hands out in front of her. "What time is it?"

Kaminari blinked a couple of times before pulling out a phone with an electric bolt on the case. "Uh... 2:38 p.m. Why are you drinking coffee this late?" He asked, tucking his phone away.

"More like why are you sleeping at this time of day?" Ochako shot back, pointing an accusing finger at Kaminari.

"Uh... what do you mean?" The blonde asked, moving his head to the right slightly but keeping his gaze on her.

Ochako smirked. This was just like the scene in her book.

His hair was disheveled, clothes wrinkled from being tossed on the floor, and bags under his eyes. It seemed after our hookup he was knocked out.

Not that I blamed him. I wore him out. "Mason, wake up." I said, nudging his arm.

Mason let out a little grunt in response and turned so his back was facing me. I could only faintly see it, but there were slightly scratches that you could see on the back of his neck, the marks I made on him yesterday visible.

Scratches. The brunette rushed over to Kaminari, grabbing his shoulder. Ochako forcing him to turn around. Jirou silently panicked, holding her hands out then immediately putting them to her mouth, biting on her nails nervously. Her hand brushed his blonde hair away from his neck, seeing vertical red marks on his skin.

Jirou widened her eyes and quietly stepped, moving her feet as quickly as she could as quiet as she could. Unfortunately, that wasn't that fast, since she could barely walk herself. She had a feeling that Ochako would harass her about this for a while.

"Wait, Jirou." The brunette demanded, her hand held out in a stop motion, her other hand clutching Kaminari's shirt. Jirou sucked on her teeth before turning to her. "The limping. Kaminari's shirt. Disheveled hair. Scratches."

Both of their eyes widened. Shit. Uraraka found out. "Oh my god. You gu- mmhmmf!" Ochako's voice was cut off with the blondes hand on her mouth.

"I told you to cover up the scratches!" Jirou hissed, walking over, stumbling on the rug. She almost dropped to her knees but luckily caught herself on the couch.

Kaminari playfully laughed it off. "Everyone would have figured it out from the way you were walking." He said, chuckling half-heartedly.

The brunette slowly turned her head to the right and glared at Kaminari with threatening eyes. He slowly retracted his hand, a bit scared of Ochako.

Ochako breathed out and looked back at Jirou. "You guys are in a relationship and you guys had sex, right?" She said.

"I told you someone would find out." Kaminari said, walking over the black-haired girl. "You can't keep things a secret forever."

"Uraraka, can you promise me that you won't tell anyone?" Jirou said, holding her hands out, clasped together.

Ochako sighed. "Fine... But if any other person finds out, your little secret is out."

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