8: Workout

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Ochako changed into a pair of high black yoga pants and a white crop top, wearing a white sports bra underneath. The top was fairly short, so she was glad that the leggings went up to her stomach. She held her hair into a low ponytail, her bangs still dangling on the sides, framing her face.

Ochako picked up her duffel bag and gently closed her door with a click. It was morning time, 6:20 a.m. The brunette would normally do her workouts during the weekends, but she finally had time to exercise during the days, having a personal gym in the dorm system.

Ochako looked out the window and saw the sun just gently peeking from the mountains. She smiled at the sunrise and walked to the elevator, hopping in as soon as the steel doors opened.

The elevator quickly went down to the basement floor, which had a gym, a pool table and a swimming pool for training especially for them.

She exited the elevator, peeking her head around the corner. No one's here, I guess. Ochako walked to the glass doors, stepping into the gym.

It had different assortments of weights, trainers, stair steppers, and other things. The brunette reached into her bag and grabbed out her cold water bottle, placing it on the shelf nearby. She dropped her bag on the ground and plugged in her headphones.

Ochako rushed over to the treadmills and hopped on the closest one, stepping on carefully. How do I use this again? She pressed a green button, turning the machine to life.

A silent cheer went through her. The brunette pressed the mode 'fast' and quickly started running with the speed that it was going at.

With nothing else to think about, her mind drifted off to the book.

"You haven't changed a bit."

"What's that supposed to mean, idiot?"

I rolled my eyes once again. I've done it so many times today that I though my eyes would fall off my head. "I mean, you're still the same when you were in high school." I said, putting emphasis on the first two words.

"Hah? I'm not that similar." Mason sneered, his ha-

"Round Face?" Bakugo asked, looking at the brunette with confusion.

Ochako glanced at him for a second before turning off the treadmill, slowing her running. "Bakugo? What are you doing here?"

"I came to workout. Shitty Hair and Alien are going to the pool." The blonde said, his voice made an intent that he was annoyed.

Ochako blinked a couple of times before taking the headphones off her head. "Huh?"

"SHITTY HAIR AND ALIEN ARE AT THE POOL!" Bakugo shouted, little crackling noises coming from his palms.

She tsked and turned away. "Typical Bakugo." Ochako said, staring the treadmill back up.

The blonde clenched both his fists and held them at his sides. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bakugo shouted.

It was a bit obvious what she was talking about, but he much preferred confrontation than trying to figure out what people were trying to say.

"You're exactly the same as our first year." Ochako said, gently brushing her hair out of her face, walking at a slow pace. "You haven't changed a single bit."

"Hah? I'm not that similar!" Bakugo retorted back, dropping his bag and walking towards the weight. He turned his gaze away from the girl and failed to notice a certain color creeping in.

"Kirishima, hurry up!" Mina whispered, cupping a hand over her mouth. "I want to get another video of Bakugo getting mad!"

"Why, what'd you do this time?" The redhead asked, getting on his hands and knees, crawling towards Mina. "Mina... no you didn't."

"I messed with the stations that he normally uses. He's going to get so mad." The pink girl laughed, immediately slapping a hand over her mouth and peeking her head over the box she was hiding behind.

Fortunately for her, Bakugo didn't notice and was grabbing weights from the rack. "He's going to take the weights and sit on that chair," Mina pointed to a chair near the side. "And the chair is going to break once he sits on it."

Kirishima peeked his head out the side of the box and stifled a laugh. "Start filming." He said, turning to his girlfriend and giving her a goofy thumbs up.

Mina pulled out her phone and quickly swiped through her apps, finding the camera app and started to record.

The blonde turned his head to the right and looked at the glass doors. He could've sworn that he heard a noise... but maybe it was just Ochako's doing.

He shook it off, getting rid of any worries that he had and plugged in his earbuds. Bakugo sat on the bench he always did, resting his elbow on his leg.

Ochako looked to her right, a strange sound coming from the blondes direction. He had his earbuds in. It wasn't his music. But... it sounded oddly like... a creaking noise.

She jumped off the treadmill and sprinted towards Bakugo.

The pillar above Mason was about to fall.

The bench was about to break.

If something happened...

If that broke...

He would get really upset!

"Bakugo! The bench is going to break!" Ochako shouted.

The blonde looked up at the sudden shout. He unplugged his earbuds and met eyes with the brunette. "Huh?"

"Move, you jackass!" Ochako shouted, getting a firm grip on his arm and throwing him to the side. Bakugo stumbled backwards and dropped the weight in his hands, falling to the ground.

Kirishima and Mina glanced at each other. Uh oh. The bench broke, leaving a pile of metal and wood on the ground, splinters poking out and the metal bent.

"What the FUCK?" Bakugo shouted. "What the hell just happened?"

The brunette looks around the room as to any clues to what happened. She glanced at the direction of the door and saw the glass door was slightly ajar.

"I think I have a broad idea to what happened." She said, walking over to the entrance. Bakugo watched as Ochako walked towards the door, narrowing his eyes. Her hands reached behind the box near the door and pulled her hands back up, her grasp filled with fistfuls of red and pink hair. 

Mina waved nervously. "Hi...?"

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