29: Struggles

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Bakugo let Ochako lay in his lap for a while. He hated to see her upset face, especially when Deku was the one that cause it. So, he let her relax on him for over an hour.

Her head rested on his chest.

Her hands rested on his arms.

Her sleeping face was peaceful.

His arms wrapped around her body as he pulled her closer to him, her head falling onto his shoulder. 

Ochako was exhausted and it made sense. She spent about an hour crying about that shitwad's--Deku--call. Just the sight of her crying made him feel soft inside.

Just want to comfort her.

"Angel Face, you okay?" Bakugo said, caressing her hair softly. Ochako let out an audible noise and buried her head in the crook of his neck. She breathed on his neck softly, inhaling his smoky yet sweet caramel scent that rested on his neck. 

She would never get tired of that smell.

The girl took a deep breath and sighed. "You smell really good..." Ochako mumbled into his neck, his spiky hair tickling the tops of her head. "You know that?"

Bakugo let out a throaty chuckle, the vibrations being passed onto Ochako. "I know, love." He said, kissing her head and tickling her with his hair. Ochako let out a quiet giggle at the new nickname and curled up her body more. 

How he loved to hear her giggle.

"But you didn't answer my question. Are you okay?" Bakugo asked, leaning his head back on her headboard and looking at her. Ochako looked up at him, meeting his red eyes, looking at her with softness in them. 

His eyes were always her favorite part of him. Sure, there are other parts of him physically that he liked, but his eyes were always so pretty. The way that his eyes just looked at her; they were really pretty...

And those eyes could see right through her. 

She knew that she wasn't okay. But he would see right through lies. And telling him the truth would just make it worse. 

And if she's being honest, she wasn't okay.

"Yeah," Ochako fibbed in a whisper, tracing a finger on his abdominal muscles over his black tank top he wore all the time. "I'm doing okay."

Bakugo put his hand on her lower back and put his other hand on the back of her head, pushing her into his shoulder. "I know you're lying but I'll let it go for now. But sooner or later, tell me." He said in a gruff voice, the vibrations coming from Bakugo's throat soothing her. 

Of course, she had expected that from him. 

"Yeah... I promise."


Bakugo reached his arm to the side and put his other arm over, stretching out his muscles. 

It's been 5 days since the call and he was still pissed. 

He just wanted to kick Deku's dumbass right then... and now.

And he didn't have a reason to not show it. 

Bakugo glanced around the room with each blink, an icy glare heading Deku's way. He was happily chatting with Todoroki, not even noticing the hole that Bakugo was burning in the back of his head. 

His palms cracked with explosions subconsciously. Mina heard the familiar noise of explosions and poked Kirishima in the shoulder. He turned his head and Mina was pointing behind her to Bakugo standing in an aggressive pose with the explosions on his hand growing. 

"Oh, jeez, really?" Kirishima groaned, sliding his hand down his face and blowing air through his mouth that almost sounded like a whisper. "Bakugo..." 

Bakugo turned around, his face in an angry expression, scaring both Mina and Kirishima. "WHAT?" He shouted at him, the explosions crackling more. 

The class didn't even bother to look his way. The class knew that if Bakugo was yelling he was probably getting pissed at someone for no apparent reason. It was a normal thing that it was actually a bit concerning. 

"Dude, chill out. You're setting off explosions." Kirishima said, grabbing his wrist and tightening his grip. Bakugo gritted his teeth and started to control his explosions, tugging his hand down to get his wrist out of Kirishima's grip. 

Bakugo brought his hand to his wrists and soothed it, frowning and looking down at his wrist. "Don't fucking grab me." He growled at him, baring his teeth.

Kirishima quirked up his lip, showing his teeth. "Well then don't set off explosions when we're in the dorms." The male snarked back at him. He took a deep breath and looked right at Bakugo. His face was scrunched up and with his lips tugging to one side of his face. "What's up?"

Bakugo let his arm drop to the side and glared back over to where Deku was. 

Fucking happy nerd. 

While Round Face was crying.

Little shit. 

"It's about Deku." Bakugo said, tearing his gaze away from Deku and glancing at Kirishima. He was unamused by his answer. 

Kirishima hesitated before saying something. "You're always mad at Deku. What's the difference today?" He shrugged, not really understanding what the hell he was mad about. 

"No, it's different." Bakugo said, shaking his head. Kirishima tipped her head to the side. "This time he made Round Face cry. That nerd wants to get back together with her and didn't even pay me any mind."

Kirishima glanced at Deku. "He really did that?" He murmured just loud enough for him to hear.

Deku glanced over and sent a little wave to be returned with a sneer from Bakugo before he turned around. "She was crying for an hour. Little shithead was the one that broke up with her in the first place. Over text. It's a cowardly move." Bakugo scoffed, tilting his head down with his eyes closed. 

"Really? Deku didn't strike me the type to make people cry." Kirishima said, glancing over at him.

Bakugo opened his eyes half-lidded. "Well, do you see Round Face anywhere around here?" He said, turning his head around. 

Kirishima looked around the field. Sure enough, she wasn't there. 

"She could be sleeping?" Kirishima proposed, his tone more suggestive than demanding. 

Bakugo didn't seem that fazed. "I don't believe that shit for one second. We didn't even have dinner yet." He retorted, putting a finger on his chest and pressing down. 

He was more than furious at Deku.

More than when he found out that he got into U.A.

More than when Deku beat him during practice training. 

More than when Deku agreed to fight with him out of class. 

More than when he found out about his Quirk. 

Because this was different. 

He cared about Ochako more than anything and that damn nerd was not just about to crush her feelings as if it were nothing. 

Bakugo clenched a fist at his side and gritted his teeth. "Nevermind. I'm going up to my room."

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