30: Getting Over It... Right.

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Ochako cuddled with the soft blanket in her hands and curled her body up. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You shouldn't be crying right now. An involuntary tear dropped down as her mind just flashed through the moments that she had with Deku. 

She hated that he did that. 

While he knew that she was with Bakugo.

It was a bit insulting, not going to lie. 

Though Bakugo was probably more pissed than she was. 

A quiet knock traveled through the door. She desperately wanted to ignore it. "Angel Face, you okay?" The husky voice was easily recognized as Bakugo's. "You've been in here all day."

Ochako swallowed back the sobs that were threatening to escape and brought her finger up to her eyes, quickly removing the tear from her cheek. Seeing her like this would only add to Bakugo's rage towards Deku. 

"Yeah, I'm- okay." She couldn't help that her voice choked up when she was talking. It made every word she said unbelievable. 

The door immediately slammed open. "I don't believe that bullshit for one second." Bakugo says in a low growl, closing the door behind him and walking towards her. 

Ochako had a tendency to lie whenever she didn't want people to get caught up in her business. That resulted in her getting more depressed as the weeks pass by, more miserable as she kept this bottled up inside. Bakugo knew that if she didn't get out of this slump then she would be like this for months. 

Bakugo looked at her figure. Her back was faced towards the door with her head just barely peeking out of her blanket, her brown locks in a mess. It was obvious that she hadn't showered in a while. She didn't look all that well. 

A normal person would've thought that she was sick but Bakugo knew better.

Bakugo threw the blanket off her to see another blanket in her clutches, her whole body wrapped up like a little pink colored burrito, to which he tugged on it. He let out a little air between his teeth making a hissing noise when she held on even tighter. 

"Let go of the blanket! It's Sunday for goddamn's sake!" He yells, putting the bases of his feet on the bed and pulling on it with all of his force and not moving an inch. 

Ochako let out a little high-pitched whine and curled her knees up to her stomach. "I'm almost naked under the blanket!" She said, pouting.

Bakugo pulled on the blanket again. "Good! You have to get fucking dressed, Round Face!" He shouts, tugging on the blanket with all his might. "Oh my fucking god, how are you still holding on?"

The female let out another whine felt her body being dragged across the sheets. "What are you doing?" She asked with suspicion in her voice. 

Bakugo glared at her and reached behind him, grabbing her scissors off her desk. "I'm going to cut that stupid-ass blanket off so that you can get dressed and showered and we can get food." He said, snipping the scissors in his hand and holding it in front of her. 

Of course, it was just a threat to fool her, and it worked. "Fine, fine! Just don't cut the blanket." Ochako grumbled, slowly pushing her legs out and stretching her muscles, letting out a little yawn. She still held onto the blanket and let it fall past her waist, covering almost the entirety of her thighs up. 

Bakugo set down the scissors and pushing on her back, walking her to the bathroom. "Go take a fucking shower and I'll get your clothes and towel." He said, pushing her inside and closing the door. "After we can go to the market to get some food!"

He headed for the closet and opened the door slowly, revealing hangers of clothes and pants folded on top of each other. Bakugo grabbed out a dark yellow shirt with a dark wash denim skirt, putting them on the bed to see if it looked good with each other. 

Yeah, that's fine. Now for the... underwear...

Bakugo felt heat wash over his face. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, right? Right... He walked over to the closet once again and looked around the closet, almost slapping a hand over his face out of sheer embarrassment. 

Bakugo picked out a yellow bra and a random pair of panties—which he chose by just sticking his hand in the basket and picking one out—and grabbing a pair of shorts along with the undergarments. He dug through her closet, searching for a towel somewhere and finally finding one in the back of the closet, white and pristine, ready for use. 

With that, Bakugo stacked the stuff and held it with his arm, twisting the doorknob and opening the door slowly. Luckily, Ochako had a decorated shower curtain that was not see through. "I'm leaving your towel and clothes on the sink, Round Face." He said quickly, placing the stuff down on the basin of the sink and turning back to the door walking out.

Ochako replied with a "thank you!" before he left. 


"You have okay taste in clothes, Bakugo!" 

Ochako spun around with a smile on her face. She was feeling much better and refreshed after that shower. It was like all of her worries and fears were washed away with that shower. All thoughts of Deku were gone and she was just focused on what they were going to eat for breakfast.

It made Bakugo over the moon to see her happy again. "Let's make pancakes." He said, walking down the hall with Ochako by his side, happily jumping up and down in the elevator, not caring that the elevator was bouncing up and down because of her. 

"Ooh! Pancakes!" Ochako said happily, that cheerful smile on her face wider than ever. "Will you make it?"

Bakugo let out a laugh. "I'll make some, but you have to make some as well, Round Face." He claimed, pointing a finger to her face. Ochako grabbed his finger and stuck her tongue out at him, smiling in a taunting tone. 

The elevator opened with a little ding, showing the 'BakuSquad' on the couch, studying up on math tests that they had failed over the span of 3 weeks. 

Sometimes they were dumbasses. 

Mina peeked her head over the couch, getting easily distracted once again and watching Ochako skip along merrily to the kitchen. "Looks like she's in a better mood, Bakugo." She said, trying to initiate a little small talk with him. 

Bakugo smirked. "Yeah." He said. He walked over to them and peered over the couch, looking over the material that they were studying. His face scrunched up as soon as he saw the simple problems they were working on. "Seriously? Algebra? We went over this in year 1!" 

Kaminari shot a glare at him. "Shut up!" He retorted, clutching the pencil in his hand that his knuckles were turning white. "It's not my fault th-"

"That you're stupid?" Bakugo said, interrupting him mid-sentence and saying a rude snark. "Yeah, I knew that."


Ochako felt a vibration go off in her pocket as Bakugo and Kaminari argued. 


Ochako took out her phone and saw a new message. 

Deku: let me know if you want to talk.

And just like that, fear washed over her like a wave just crashed on her. 

The tsunami had taken her out.

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