24: Announcements

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Mina heard a concerning scream from the other side of the door. Jirou and Kaminari came out of their 'hiding' places and were sitting on the ground. 

They were unlucky. 

They were about to witness the fight between a newborn couple.

Another voice followed along. 

"How about no?" Bakugo said, the voices getting closer to them. Mina narrowed her eyes at the door. 

That sounds like Bakugo... but the voice before sounded like Uraraka. 

Kaminari quirked an eyebrow. The voices were getting notably getting louder, and closer. "Doesn't it sound like they're heading here?" He asked with skepticism in his voice. There was no doubt that they were getting closer.

The door was thrown open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. Jirou, startled, jumped back and hit her head on the backboard of Kirishima's head. Kaminari rushed over and comforted her, gently caressing her head. "Listen up nerds." Bakugo said, his hand grasped onto Ochako's wrist.

"I TOLD YOU, TOMORROW!" The brunette shouted, steadying herself and brushing off her pants. It was clear to all of them that she was annoyed at him. It wasn't very clear to them. Ochako could be upset about literally anything. They were talking about Bakugo, after all. 

She deeply sighed and stood up, her back faced towards the four students. Kaminari helped Jirou sit up properly and glared at Bakugo. The blonde felt his gaze set on him and spared a second to glance at him. He furrowed his eyebrows. 

"When did Pikachu and Ears get here? Whatever. Me and Uraraka are going out on our first date." Bakugo said, pointing his thumb behind him, specifically at Ochako. Her face dropped as she saw all the looks from their friends, mostly their mouths agape and jaws on the floor. 

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST... WAIT?" Ochako yelled, turning around and jumping on his back, and wrapping her legs around his torso, punching at his back. Bakugo gawked at her sudden attack and leaned forward to accommodate her weight. "YOU'RE SO IMPATIENT!"

The blonde thrashed around, struggling to get her off his back. "GET OFF ME, ROUND FACE!" Bakugo shouted, jumping back and almost crashing into Mina. Luckily, she swerved to the side at the last minute. She screamed in terror as Bakugo was nearing the bed. 

Kirishima got off the bed in a haste as Ochako and Bakugo fell on the bed. Bakugo was in a headlock, Ochako's arm right around his neck. Her arm tightened around his neck, choking him slightly but not enough to knock him out. "YOU DON'T WAIT!" She yelled, tightening her grip around his neck.

Bakugo groaned as her grip got tighter by the second. This was frustrating to have someone on his back trying to knock the shit out of him. It was the first time that someone actually tried to attack him outside of exercises and practices. Except for Deku, but he initiated that fight. 

The blonde stopped resisting for a moment. "You better let me go right now Round Face or I'll beat the shit out of you." Bakugo threatened, holding a hand on her arm. Ochako took that as a challenge and tightened her grip even more, bringing her legs closer to her torso, tightening around his own torso.

She wasn't going to let Bakugo of all people knock her out. After all, he already did that to her once. It wouldn't happen again. She would make sure of it. 

"What, are you guys in some sort of dom/sub relationship?" Kaminari asked, exchanging glances with Jirou. She shrugged in response and glanced back at the couple. They were frozen in place, staring at Kaminari.

They weren't in some sort of weird-ass sexual relationship. They just started going on their first date for fucks sake. What, did they think that they had a one-night stand before?

"What the fuck? We literally just said that we were going on one date." Bakugo said, taking her loose arm as an advantage, slipping out of her grasp. She untangled her limbs from him. "We're not in the 'sex' stage yet."

Ochako flushed and hid her head in the pillow, groaning into it with frustration. Sometimes, he could be a bit embarrassing, and sometimes she even became embarrassed, when she probably shouldn't. "Why're so embarrassing, Katsuki?" She asked, looking at him.

"What did you say?" Mina said, poking her head out from behind Bakugo's body. She had a smile on her face that could light up the whole room. Ochako looked at that shit eating grin and groaned. "You called him Katsuki?"

The brunette's face immediately dropped when she heard that and slammed her face into the pillow again. "Dammit!" She groaned into the pillow. "I'm so stupid!"

Bakugo sat next to her and looked at her. What exactly... am I supposed to do? 

"Look what you did Mina." Kirishima said, pointing to the frustrated brunette with her head in his pillow. "Uraraka is upset."

"You know, I like you calling me like that." Bakugo said to her softly. He could feel his rage slowly subsiding and his feelings were melting away into... what's the word? Happiness? Joy? 

A feeling that he didn't really experience. Most of the time it was just annoyance with the other students or anger when he was fighting someone. When he won, he wouldn't really call it 'happiness.' More like, a perdurable feeling of triumph. 

"Okay. Are we sure that they're not in a dom/sub relationship? Because Bakugo's giving off some SERIOUS dom vibes." Kaminari said, putting emphasis on 'serious'. Jirou turned her head slowly to him and tipped it to the side, glaring at him. We went over this, you idiot. "What? I mean it's also strange because Bakugo's actually being nice."

"Shut up, Pikachu." Bakugo retorted, putting her hands on his knees and leaning forward. "We're not having sex."

"BAKUGO!" Ochako shouted, lifting her head from the pillow and glaring at him. The blonde simply shrugged at her outburst.

"A dom/sub relationship doesn't just happen in the bedroom." Kirishima stated, leaning his head back onto his bed.

The brunette sat up flicked Kirishima on the head. "Can we please not talk about this and change the subject?" She asked politely.

"Sure." Mina said, smiling at her. "We knew that you two were going to get together eventually." 

Ochako sat up and tipped her head to the side just like Bakugo. What in the hell is she talking about? "Don't give us that look. We knew that you knew." Jirou said, pointing a finger at the two.

"But, we- no, I-" Ochako couldn't get words to form. It was like her mind was completely blank. 

Bakugo slapped a hand on his forehead and groaned. "I should've known. You've been hinting at it all semester, Pinky." He snarled at Mina, making an ugly face.

"Hey, hey! Well alls well that ends well." Mina said, putting her hands behind her head and relaxing. 

Of course, that wasn't the way life wanted it. It wanted drama. And boy, oh boy, did they get it. 

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