11: Driving Him Crazy

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The blonde nervously tapped his pencil against his lower lip. 

The book that Ochako had was in his mind. It had... a black cover. No. Grey? What font was the writing in? Script? Comic Sans? Why the fuck am I obsessing over fonts? I'm no fucking nerd.

Dammit. Bakugo dropped the pencil from his hands and buried his head in his hands. His head was swimming with thoughts about the book, plaguing his thoughts and distracted him from his surroundings. 

But this was just making him sick. Just plain nauseous. Fuck. That stupid book is in my head. What was the name of the stupid book? Something... sour. 

Bakugo slipped his head out from his hands and banged his head against the desk. He didn't even mind the stinging pain in his head or that there were five people that just watched him do that. 

The redhead looked in his direction and made a distorted face. It was a strange sight for Bakugo to just randomly slam his head on the desk, considering that he probably wasn't tired; he always went to sleep at 8:00. "What the fuck is he going?" Mina muttered, sneaking up behind him and putting an arm on Kirishima's shoulder.

The blonde banged his head on the table and groaned, keeping his head resting with his eyes looking down at his crotch. The Baku-squad stared at him with a bit of amusement in Jirou's face, obviously enjoying the show. THIS BOOK IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! 

He wasn't lying. During the last five days its been driving him crazy. During the last week of summer, he's been freaking out about this stupid book. He couldn't even enjoy his last days of summer because he was worried about this stupid ass book. Bakugo had no clue why he was acting like this.

Bakugo didn't even know the name of the damn book and he was freaking out about it. The book was stamped into his mind, driving him crazy. Why is it bad if he read that. His curiosity kept growing and growing. And it was driving him crazy. More crazy than he was on the normal.

The blonde slammed his fists on the desk. They made a loud bang. Mina jumped back and hid behind Kirishima, flinching a bit at his sudden punch. "FUUUUCK!" Bakugo yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

Now the whole class was staring at him. Sure, he had noticed the stares but right now he didn't care about it. Bakugo was only focused on the book. For some strange-ass reason, no matter what he thought about his mind always drifted back to the book.  

"Bro. What the hell is up with Bakugo? In the last five days he's been super mad." Jirou asked, putting hand near Kaminari's ear and whispering. He shrugged his shoulders. "Is it because of that kiss thing?"

The blonde sighed with a frown on his face. "I honestly don't know." Kaminari whispered out the side of his mouth. A little grin was poking a the edges of his mouth. "He's been super pissy since seeing that video."

"Jirou." Ochako spoke from behind them. The couple immediately jumped to life. And plastered innocent smiles on their faces. "Is Bakugo mad because of me?"

Jirou kept the smile on her face to fool Ochako. Unfortunately, it didn't last that long. "A hah. No. It's probably not you." 

"URARAKA!" Bakugo shouted, slamming his hands on the table and standing up. His arms were straight and his head was facing down. His arms were shaking and it was clear that he wanted to punch someone. 

Hopefully not Ochako.

The black-haired girl's face dropped. She immediately started to wave her hands in front of her, to distract her from the sight in front of her. Ochako furrowed her eyebrows and looked back Jirou. "Ignore that, he's j-"

"STUPID," The blonde shouted, hunching his back and sitting back down in his chair. The chair made a little creaking noise as he sat back down. "URARAKA! FUCKING... HELL!" 

The brunette gasped and flinched slightly when he said her name. Is he... going to pummel me? "Is he okay?" Ochako asked, whispering in Kirishima's ear. The redhead turned to her. "Jirou isn't telling me the truth."

The redhead shrugged his shoulders. "We all don't know what's happening with him. He's just been super on edge." Kirishima said, then motioning to Mina. "We found out about the kiss." 

"Huh? I just kissed him on the cheek! Why is that such a big deal." Ochako shrugged, her memory flashing back to five days ago. 

"You're welcome, Bakugo."

It wasn't really a big deal... right?

"I thought you guys kissed on the lips." Mina said, poking her head out from behind Kirishima. She brought out her phone, the video on pause. "I filmed the damn video."

"No. On the cheek. It's not really big deal, is it?" The brunette shrugged, letting her bag slip off her shoulder and let it fall to the ground right next to her seat. "I mean, sure he left right after, but it's a bit strange to think that he's freaking out about that."

What Ochako didn't realize is that it had nothing to do with that kiss. It was the damn book. The damn book was driving him crazy. And it just wouldn't get out of his mind. 

A/N: Okay! So that's done. And also, just a quick question! 

Do you think that Jirou is part of Baku-squad? 

That's all <3

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