34: I've Been Waiting

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Katsuki's phone dings next to him. His eyes trail to the clock sitting on the bedside table, in red blaring numbers "11:29." His mind jumps to Ochako, praying that it's her, texting him something, just to let him know that she's been taking care of herself. She's been pissed at him for days now, and he's seen her condition—Ochako didn't seem to be in the talking mood.

Katsuki snatches his phone off of the bedside table when it dings again. It's probably fricking Dunce Face. His heart leaps in his chest when "Round Face" is presented on his screen with a shooting star next to it. It's an image and a message after. Curiously, he opens it.

His pants feel unbearably tight after taking one glance at the photo.

It's a mirror selfie with Ochako's hand holding her phone, the left bra strap slipped off her shoulder intentionally, soft light hitting the top of her chest, her other hand dipped into cute little pink panties with white bows adorned at her sides, bent at the waist, and her bangs framing her perfect, beautiful face.

And fucking hell, she's fucking gorgeous.

Round Face 💫: im waiting, katsuki

Another message came right after she sent the first one.

Round Face 💫: i want you to fuck me

Katsuki raises himself off the bed and stuffs his phone in his pocket, letting it buzz once again but paying no mind to it as he sets off to Ochako's room.


"I... wonder if he saw my message." Ochako says quietly, her voice echoing off the white tile of the bathroom.

After a few minutes of no response, not even the indication that she even read her last message, she silently pulls up her sweatpants and tugs her shirt over her head, unlocking the door and walking out after. There's eyes on her, which she expected, but tries to ignore them as she weaves her way back to the bed, slumping down onto the pillows.

"So~?" Mina chides. "Did you do it, 'Chako?"

Ochako slips her phone out of her pocket and glances at the screen, the blue bubbles of her text the only color in a screen of white. Katsuki still didn't respond. Hell, he still didn't read it. "Yeah. But he only read the first two." She says, letting out a loud breath and leaning onto her elbows, placing her chin between her palms.

"Ah, it can't be helped. Bakugo always was impatient. He never liked to wait for things." Mina sighs helplessly, digging her elbows into her knees.

Momo nods in agreement. "He'd always rush right into things. Actually, Uraraka, you said that he actually pushed you away, right?"

"Well, of course. I guess I was being too pushy, or something." Ochako says, sinking her chin deeper into her palms to the point where the skin is turning white. "Bakugo doesn't like when people boss him around. In our first year, he wouldn't listen to anyone."

"The boys were all messes, let's agree on that." Hagakure chuckled lightheartedly.

Tsu laughs along with her. "Especially Kaminari! Remember when he just went full-out using all his power?"

"Hey! Don't talk about Kaminari that way!" Jirou protests, although she doesn't seem to say it's not true.

"Jirou, come on! I mean, Eijirou used to have black hair, y'know! Then he wanted red hair to act all badass and stuff." Mina said, making exaggerated movements around her own hair.

Ochako chuckles at that. She can't imagine Kirishima with black hair—he has such a bright personality that it just matched him—she never really gave it a second thought. "Really? It's hard to imagine him with black hair." She adds in.

"Oh yeah!" Mina says, putting her hands on her knees. "It used to be all flattened out as well! He was pretty damn cute back then!"

"Not as cute as Todoroki." Momo says. Everyone glances at her, and it's not very hard to see why. "What? He's super cute when he's sleeping!" When she doesn't get a response, Momo fishes her phone out of her pocket and scrolls through her photos until she taps on one dated from 2 months ago, January 7th. "Look, he's adorable."

Ochako takes a look at the photo and smiles. Todoroki had always been reserved, and rarely ever smiled. But in the photo, he was sleeping soundly with a faint hint of a smile on his face, body buried under a mountain of blankets—one that notably has a Russian nesting doll pattern that was most likely made by Momo—hair splayed onto the pillow beneath his head.

"Is he sleeping shirtless?" Mina asks, peering closer to the phone screen, narrowing her eyes and moving closer to the screen. "Momo, is that your br-"

Her phone flew to the side in a flash, Momo's face tinted a bright red that could only indicate what Ochako thought what she originally did. Eyes snap to the broken screen of Momo's ridiculously expensive and just-purchased phone then back to her, who's now trying to cover the raging blush on her face. "Wait, Momo, you said your parents went on a trip to Hawaii during the Winter Break, right?" Tsu asks suspiciously, eyes staring down Momo. "And didn't Todoroki say th-"

"NO! I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" Momo shouts.



The night was spent taking spam photos on Hagakure's phone when she wasn't in the bathroom, giggling about couples in Class 3B, pestering Momo about Todoroki, and checking Ochako's phone every five minutes to see if Katsuki had answered her text.

Still no response.

Eventually Ochako decided to call it a night and left before a very drunk Mina could realize she was gone and made her way to her room. She fumbles with the doorknob in a drunken haste and opens it after a couple seconds, forcing open the door and stumbles inside.

"Jeez, you took a long time."

Ochako jumps back into the door, shutting it with a loud slam that resonates through the hallway. Her mind sorts through unorganized thoughts as Katsuki stands up from her bed and stands there.

The picture. The text. Fuck, is that why he's here?

Katsuki walks up to her, feet lightly tapping against the floor, crimson eyes set on hers. She's fucking terrified. Her feet stay locked in place as he walks closer, and her back presses up against the door with a hope that maybe she could magically transport through the door.

His hand narrowly misses her head and hits the door behind her, breath catching in her throat. A high squeak escapes her as his other hand pulls her waist closer to him, his mouth inches away from her ear.

"Do you have any idea what I've gone through?" His voice comes out gravelly and tough, and she feels like she's sinking. "Fucking hell, 'Chako, I've been trying to control myself, but you're acting like a fucking brat, you know that?"

Ochako swallows loudly as her breathing gets ragged, just noticing that he's way too close for comfort. Her chest is pressing warmly against his and right now she just wants to tug on his shirt and force their lips together. She can practically feel a smirk growing amidst his face and slightly shivers.

Control myself?

"You've just been fucking with me, pushing my limits, just seeing how far you can take this." Katsuki sneers before gently nipping at the reddened tip of her ear, eliciting a quiet whine from Ochako. "Just because you're my girlfriend doesn't mean I'm taking it easy on you tonight."


smut next chapter sooooo yeah

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