18: The Sleepover

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"Selfie time!" Ochako said, holding her phone up in the air, positioning it so she captured everyone in the frame. Tsu stuck her tongue out as normal, Mina made a peace sign and winked, and Jirou and Momo put their arms around each other and smiled.

A perfect photo for the perfect birthday with my friends.

The brunette snapped a photo and smiled brightly, as if her smile could light up the whole room. She put down her arm and pressed post. It made a satisfactory ding sound as it popped up dying it was posted. "That'll make for a great post." Ochako said excitedly.

"You bet! This is a night with my best friend. Let's do truth or dare." Mina said, holding the red cup in her hands.

A little ding went off in Ochako's pocket, most likely a Instagram notification. She brought out her phone and turned it on by pressing the button on the side. A notification. katbkugo...? Oh. That must be Bakugo.

katbkugo: oh wow, i didn't know that it was your birthday

ochamochi: ikr sorry i didn't tell you :(

katbkugo: i'm so mad u didn't invite me

ochamochi: you can come if you want

katbkugo: nah

katbkugo: i'm hanging out with shitty hair flat face and pikachu right now

katbkugo: sorry

ochamochi: and here i was thinking you were dejected because i didn't invite you

katbkugo: you'd have to be a real idiot to think that

ochamochi: im not an idiot!

katbkugo: you sure are, round face

ochamochi: oh, chill out with the nicknames explody

katbkugo: stop calling me explody

ochamochi: well you must like the nickname because you keep calling me round face when I ask you not to

katbkugo: you can call me explody as long as I can keep calling you round face and cheeks and pink cheeks

Ochako giggled at his response and smiled. "Uraraka, who you texting?" Momo asked, directing everyone's attention to her.

The brunette put her phone down in front of her, forgetting to close it. "No, no one." She said, putting her elbows atop her knees. "No one at all."

Jirou grinned. "Uraraka. Truth or dare." She said smugly. Momo turned her head to Jirou and signaled her head to her. I have a plan, Momo.

"Uh... truth, I guess." Ochako said after contemplating it for a moment. She didn't want to start the night off by doing something stupid. "I'm not doing a dare off the bat."

"Fine. Who were you texting?" Jirou asked, the grin on her face growing bigger and bigger by the second.

Ochako flushed darkly. 

Of course she was going to ask that question. 

Of course she knew that was coming. 

But she was stupid enough to choose truth. Because she was an idiot that had no clue what to choose. Because she was too chicken to choose dare.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The brunette answered, acting stupid.

Momo groaned. "Gonna make this hard, are you? Hagakure, grab her phone." She ordered, pointing behind her.

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