31: I'm Okay

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Ochako had finished her book. Not because she wanted to, because she wanted to know what happened at the end of the story. Ochako honestly couldn't care less at this point about the stupid plot or the sexual scenes that made her have butterflies in her stomach; she just wanted to know if they solved the problem with the ex-boyfriend or not.

They didn't.

It ended on the worst note possible, a fucking cliffhanger.

Because of course.

The words wouldn't come out of my mouth. It was like I was muted. Not even a single sound.

"Just spit it out!" Mason bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. 

I cringed and felt my head getting light. 

I can't...

And it ended. Yes, right there. Ochako searched relentlessly for 2 hours online to the point where her eyes were red and puffy from not sleeping, just to try and find the second book only to find that it wasn't published yet. It was infuriating. 

They said that the book was supposed to come out in 4 months; but she didn't know how much she could really trust that. The publishing date had been pushed back almost 4 times by now. 

But if this book was controlling what happened to her--which it was--then she had to find out what the hell would happen next. This overwhelming urge to find out what happened next—because she apparently couldn't solve her own problem—had taken over her. She had the opportunity to know what happened in her future but because of some stupid-ass author taking forever to publish the next book, she wouldn't know for 4 months. 

That was too long. 

Too long when she was silently suffering from Deku. 

Bakugo knocked on her door and walked in without notice. He would do this more and more often, and sometimes it would be a bit annoying, especially if she was sleeping, like a certain time. After all, what's the point in knocking on her door if he barged in otherwise?

But she knew that his intentions were good. "Angel Face, you okay? You've been in here all day." He asked, walking behind her. Her body was faced away from him, staring at a piece of paper she was supposed to be working on but kept on getting distracted. 

Ochako tapped her pencil against her lips and let out a deep sigh. "You've been saying that phrase a lot, Bakugo." She said, letting out a small chuckle.  

The male walked behind her silently and snaked his arms around her neck, resting his head on hers. He ran a hand through her hair, twirling the end of a strand around his finger. Ochako grabbed onto his hand and pressed it up against her cheek, nuzzling into it lovingly. Bakugo scraped his thumb against her skin and smiled. "Just worried about you. How are you doing with the 'Deku' thing?" 

Bakugo felt Ochako tense up underneath him. "Sorry, sorry." He apologized, kissing her cheek gently as her muscles relaxed just slightly under his soft touch. 

Ochako looked down at her blank homework sheet and let out a sigh coming deep from her throat. "Yeah. I'm just having trouble with my homework." She said, keeping her eyes on the first problem. It looked as if the numbers were moving around on the paper and mixing in with each other. 

She hadn't really been working on her homework. This whole time she had been worried about this Deku crap. It also didn't help that she was horrible at math. Math had never been her strong subject. She never really understood 'variables' and 'graphs'. It was all just a bunch of crap to her. 

But the Deku thing... just distracted her even more. It flooded all of her thoughts. Ochako originally thought that they could be just friends. I guess he didn't want that. At this point, Ochako didn't even fucking know what he wanted. It was so unclear about what his intentions were.

First, he asks her out first. 

Then, he doesn't spend any more time than when they were friends. 

After, he has the audacity to break up with her. 

Finally, he asks her out again. 

It makes no sense. 

"You've been staring at the paper for long enough." Bakugo knocked his fist gently on her head to imitate a knocking motion. She quirked up an eyebrow and looked up at him. "Anyone in there?"

Ochako playfully slapped his hand away, hearing a slight laugh coming from Bakugo as well. She never really heard that laugh of his, but it was always so nice when she heard it. His laugh was always so soft; she wished that he would do it more. 

"Oh, shut up. I'm just a bit distracted." She said, letting her pencil fall on top of the desk, making it clatter a bit. Her focus had been completely shattered. Ochako couldn't focus even if she tried. 

And trust me when I say, she tried.

"Well then let me help you out." Bakugo said, putting the pencil back between her fingers and holding her hand, directing the pencil across the paper, writing down the answers for her. 

He started to whisper in her ear how to do the problems, keeping his hand on hers as she started to direct her hands, absorbing everything that he said, quickly finishing the math problems with Bakugo's help.

"You're so good at math... ugh... I hate it." Ochako said, putting down the pencil and tipping her head back, meeting his crimson red eyes. 

Bakugo smirked. "Well I could try teaching it to you." He suggests rather nicely, just slightly tipping his head to the side and staring right back into her brown eyes. 

He could spend forever just looking into her eyes. 

They were beautiful. 

The way that they had sparkled in the light.

The way that they would light up whenever she saw mochi.

Everything about them were perfect. 

"What are you doing, Bakugo?" Ochako asked, snapping his out of his thoughts and bringing him back by gently touching her face with her soft hand, caressing his cheek. 

Bakugo pressed a kiss to her forehead and smirked. "Nothing." He said in a teasing tone. Ochako turned around and cupped his face with her hands, pulling him in and kissing him. 

Bakugo reciprocated and grabbed her back, pulling her up and closing the small space that was left between them. She slowly moved her hands down his face and onto his neck, separating their lips for a quick second before kissing him once again. 

They fell onto the bed with their limbs in a heap, their lips pressed together as they made out passionately. Bakugo was sitting up with Ochako's legs straddled over his torso with his hands now on her lower back, just barely under her fabric of her shirt. Ochako separated their lips to breath for a quick second before Bakugo grabbed onto the back of her head with his hand and kissed her again. 

Ochako tipped her head back and Bakugo quickly moved to her neck, giving her no time to rest. "Bakugo... let me breath for a second... be patient..." She panted, tangling her hands into his surprisingly soft hair and curling her fingers into his scalp, pulling his head away harshly. She heard a groan as she pulled on his hair. 

"You know I'm not patient." Bakugo growled, his eyes being forced to meet hers. He had an animalistic glint in his eyes that she couldn't help but smile at.

 Bakugo had came at a perfect time. 

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