CHAPTER 33: An Attack from an uninvited guest, Wolfram!

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''This is an announcement from the I-island Security system, we are received a report that an explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I-Expo ground's" The women announced.

In the Business Area.

Sato and Sero heard the announcement in a restaurant.

''A Bomb ?" Sato said confusinglly in shocked.

''Seriously!?" Sero added

In the Resident Area.

Tsuyu, Mina, and Hagakure were in their hotel room listening to the announcement.

''I-island will now be in high alert mode, your safety is our top Priority, Residents and Tourist should return to their homes." The women continued.

''Oh man..." Hagakure said worriedlly.

''I hope nobodies hurt...." Mina added

''We'll be safe as long as we follow directions.'' Tsuyu reassured.

''Oh yeah totally.'' Mina agreed.

On the streets.

''Anyone remaining on the street after 10 minutes, will be in violation of the law." The women added as Tokoyami and Shoji walked on the streets with Robots patrolling.

''We should hurry." Shoji told Tokoyami.

''Of course." Tokoyami agreed.

At the lobby.

''As a precautionanry most of the main island's buildings will now be sealed off." the women finished as Izuku and the others sees the central tower went into lock down.

''What the heck, is going on, here!?'' Momotaros asked confusinglly.

Deep inside Izuku's mind.

''See, i told you something bad is about to happen!'' Hikage told Negataros and the other predecessors.

''Who in the hell is behind this crap!?'' Banjo asked angrilly.

''If i have to guess, Hikage said that there's a threat in this building right, then that means, the villains is behind this crap.'' Negataros stated.

In the Reception hall-Floor 2.

The villains entered and points their guns at the guest.

''In case you haven't caught on, the security system is under our control now, I know we've got a lot of heroes in here, but if you decide to make a scene...I'll make sure the security sentries think the good people they've got in there sights are dangerous criminals, so, I'd play nice because everyone on this island is my hostage, naturally, that includes all of you...'' The boss villain name 'Wolfram' warned as the screen changed to show the security bots with the citizens outside...

''Do it!" Wolfram ordered as the floor opened up, coming out of the holes there were restraints which latched onto the Heroes, including All Might.

''The emergency restraining devices!'' The man said.

''Crap!" All Might cursed as he tried to break free, but then Wolfram came up on stage carrying a gun.

''Don't move, if you take so much as a step, I'll kill everyone in this room.'' Wolfram threatened

''Villains!" All Might said with anger, but then got kicked to the ground.

''There's a good boy, you're going to follow All Mights lead and do whatever I say, right ?" Wolfram ordered as All Might looked over at David.

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