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Sometime later at the 'Metropolitian Police Headquarter.'

"The Nomus we captured just as unresponsive as the last ones, they're basically mindless animals, we haven't gotten any new info from them." The detective explained as the screen behind him showed a location of the Nomu warehouse.

"The warehouse they were kept in was completely destroyed, we'll continue our investigation of course, but we don't know how much data we can collect." The detective added.

"Then we haven't gotten any worthwhile information from the bar at all?" One of the board member asked.

"We're still looking into that sir." The detective answered as the same board member who asked the question sighed in dissapointment.

"We apprehended all the Nomus sure, but we let most of the other perpetrators including Shigaraki slip through our fingers. Honestly even though we captured their boss i'd had to say this whole thing was a draw." The other board member stated.

"Don't be stupid." The same board member scolded as everyone including the detective turn their heads to him.

"Our country just lost the 'Symbol of Peace', All Might's weakened body has been exposed to the world, everyone knows the indestructible hero can be defeated now, the citizens, and the villains." The same board member reminded him.

"It's what we get for relying too much on one pro hero." The fourth board Member said.

"People now know they can raise hell with just a handful of thugs, hate to think what that might anspire we were to be kind to ourselves, our initial profile of Tomura Shigaraki described him as a childish and prone to tantrums, but that's onviously changed, his plans are growing more strategic, he now appears to be focused on how he can mold our society." The other member beside the 4th board member beside him explained.

"His thought process has evolved, matured. And since All Might's out of the picture, we've lost our biggest deterrent to criminal activity, each time the league fails they come back stronger, and now...Shigaraki can greatly expand his sphere of influence." The other member beside the 4th board member added.

"Are you suggesting that all of this was part of the league's plan" The 5th member of the board asked.

"That's does sound like quite a leap, but we don't know." The other member beside the 5th assumed.

"There's only one thing I can say for certain, we must capture 'The League of Villains' no matter what, as the police we have to be more proactive in apprehending villains, we are not just's time we implement changes." The first member of the board said before looking up at the ceiling.

At the Hosptial...

We see All Might, Tsukauchi, Eve, and Gran Torino are having a chat together.

"The embers inside of me have been snuffed out. The mighty 'Symbol of Peace' is no more. However...I won't just sit here there's still something I must do." All Might said with a serious tone.

"Like continuing your job as a teacher, plus training him as well ?" Eve asked him as All Might replied with a nod.

"Tomura Shigaraki... Shimura's grandson, yes?" Gran Torino asked as he caught their attention.

"The only proof we have of that is what All for One said, it's not much to go on." Tsukauchi stated.

"Actually, what All for One said about Tomura Shigaraki is the grandchild of Nana Shimura is well, how should i say this...true." Eve told them causing Tsukauchi to get surprised as he looked at his partner from his hand.

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