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Aftermath of the exam...

"The provisional hero licensing has ended, now it's finally time for the results to be revealed." Izuku narrated.

"Anyway, the names that those who passed are listed here in alphebetical order, keep my words in mind as you search the screen for your name" Mera announced as the screen showed a chart of who passed.

"Woah, a lot of people passed." Shoji noticed.

"Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi, mi..." Izuku, Momotaros and Mineta mumbled as they desperately searched for their names with Momotaros helping finding Izuku's name.

''WHERE IS IT!?" Bakugo yelled angrilly trying to find his name as well, until a few seconds later, Izuku and Momotaros finally found his name on the chart.

'My name/His name... we passed, I did it All Might!' Izuku and Momotaros thought in shocked with their mouth gaping wide open

"I'm up there, just call me a hero!" Mineta cheered

"I did it..." Kyoka said in relief.

"WAI, KYOKA CHAN WE DID IT WE DID IT!" Ryutaros cheered excitedly before hugging his sister from the back.

''There I am!" Tenya said with a smile.

"Alright!" Shoji said in relief.

"I'm on the board!" Ochaco said happilly.

"Thank goodness!" Sero cheered as Tokoyami nodded beside him.

"What a relief." Ojiro said in exhaustion.

"Magnifique!" Aoyama said in french.

"Heck yeah, I did it!" Sato cheered

"YEAH!" Mina cheered excitedly with Koda gapped in happiness.

"Another small step towards being a pro." Yaoyorozu said proudly

"Ribbit!" Tsuyu croaked happily

"I passed, I passed!" Hagakure cheered

"Killed it!" Kaminari cheered

"Right on, but uh..."Kirishima cheered, before he noticed Bakugo who has a disappointed look on his face.

"No..." Bakugo said in shocked that his name wasn't up there.

"Yo, Yoarashi!" Yoarashi said desperately before seeing his name wasn't on the board

"It's not there, I failed..." Yoarashi said in disappointment with his hat down.

'It's over...' Shoto thought as he looked at the screen where his name was not there as well.

'He failed?' Izuku thought in concerned looking at Shoto.

'No way... icy hot failed!?' Momotaros thought in shocked as well.

''Todoroki!" Yoarashi called as he approached over to him, they then looked at each other for a sec and he bowed hitting his head to the ground.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that you didn't pass the licensing exam, my focus was too narrow minded, forgive me!" Yoarashi apologized.

'I've tried to ignore that I'm my father's son, but it's something I must come to terms with if I aim to be a hero.' Shoto thought.

"Your fine, I was the one who got us off to a bad start." Shoto assured

"But still..." Yoarashi argued

"And thanks to the things you said to me, I have a lot to think about." Shoto added.

"Holy crap, did he really fail?" Mina said in surprised.

"How could our top two classmates not past the exam!?" Sero asked

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