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A week later...

The scene shows Class 1A arrived at the 'National Dagobah Arena' for their licensing exam with the other schools

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The scene shows Class 1A arrived at the 'National Dagobah Arena' for their licensing exam with the other schools

"Before we even knew it, the day of the exam was here." Izuku narrated

"Ugh, i'm getting kind of nervous." Kyoka whine.

"Yeah, me too, but don't worry because we can do this and we'll pass this exam together, ok.'' Izuku reassured before he put his hand on her shoulder as she then smiled at him.

"Yeah, you're right." Kyoka agreed with a smile.

"I wonder what they're gonna make us do, groan*, what if I can't get my licence!?" Mineta said worriedlly until Aizawa bent down looking at him.

"Mineta, don't ask if you can, say that you will." Aizawa lectured.

"Right, sure, I so got this." Mineta said in confidence.

"If you can pass this test and get your 'Provisional Licences', then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks, you'll be semi pros, I expect your best" Aizawa informed

"Alright, i can't wait to be a heroic chicken." Kaminari said excitedly.

"Let's call out the usual you guys. On My Mark, Go PLUS ULTRA..." Kirishima cheered, before he didn't notice a tall boy student behind him joined in the cheer as well.

"ULTRA!" The tall boy cheered joined in the cheer as well.

"Who the hell are you!?" Momotaros asked in shocked.

"You know it's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa." A student name 'Shishikura' reprimanded.

"What, pardon me, i am so, very, extremely sorry

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"What, pardon me, i am so, very, extremely sorry." Inasa apologized as he bowed and hit his head to the ground.

'The fuck is wrong with this crazy dude!?' Momotaros thought in shocked with Izuku and Kyoka next to him.

"Who is this guy, i do not trust his enthusiasm?" Kaminari asked.

'It's him.' Aizawa thought.

"Hey look at their uniforms." Kyoka noticed.

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