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At night.

''Beneath our flashy superhero society lurks a dark underworld every time we've driven the villains back, they've retreated to the safety of the shadows regaining their strength waiting for the perfect time to strike.'' Izuku narrated.

''The master is good, I tried so hard to find out where those idiots were going and he figured it out in an instant guess he really showed me up.'' Shigaraki said stacking some cards.

''It was worth having a team on standby then wasn't it Tomura Shigaraki ?'' Kurogiri asked as the cards Shigaraki stacking fell down.

''Hmph, I guess.'' Shigaraki said, suddenlly the door opened as someone smoked before getting in it was none other than the villain 'Giran'.

''I heard from the union today, you can expect the delivery tomorrow, it was thrown together quickly so it might not look like much, but quality is guaranteed.'' Giran said.

''I must apologize for making such an unreasonable request.'' Kurogiri apologized.

''Tell me Shigaraki, do you know why the union accepted this outlandish order of yours, because everyone's got high expectations of you if the League of villains steps into the light then the scum hiding on the sidelines will follow suit, and if that happens it means brokers like me will be rolling in hungry new customers, crime pays.'' Giran explained.

''Oh yes, you're gonna be so busy you won't be able to keep up.'' Shigaraki stated as Giran laughed.

''I'm looking forward to that, anyway thanks.'' Giran said while smoking as he then leaves

''The board is set with my pawns and their prey, finally time for the real game to begin.'' Shigaraki said with a smile evilly.

With Izuku and the others at the bank.

Izuku and the others saw Tsukauchi transfomed in complete shocked.

"I knew it..." Izuku said in shocked.

"This is unbelievable..." Kyoka said in shocked with Ryutaros agreeing.

'Tsukauchi, why, and how?' All Might thought watching his friend in his rider form in complete shock.

''That detective, is the contract holder of that damn enemy that we face!?'' Momotaros said in shocked.

Back inside the bank.

"Ennichi Kuro, you are hereby under arrest for trying to steal money from 3 different banks, and broke the Quirk restriction laws by using unauthorized quirk without a license." Eve announced as G Den o grabs his Den gasha making a pole arms weapon.

"We'll show you, of what happened when you break the law!" G Den o warned raising his weapon

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"We'll show you, of what happened when you break the law!" G Den o warned raising his weapon.

"We'll show you, of what happened when you break the law!" G Den o warned raising his weapon

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