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Last time on chapter 51...

"Here's a useful tip about the big exam, most years you have to rescue someone from a pretend disaster, which can be difficult, so let's prepare now." Aizawa announced as a 2 teams of list appeared on the board behind him.

"You'll be split up into two teams of ten, each group will complete a training exercise together." Aizawa told his students.

At Ground Beta...

"Two hours ago, a fire broke out on the bottom floor of a large underground shopping mall, fortunately the blaze was extinguished and most everyone present was evacuated, however we received word that somewhere inside of this building there's still one stranded person who needs our assistance." Yaoyorozu explained

"Our mission is to rescue that citizen as quickly and safely as possible. For our purposes the 'citizen' will be a training dummy." Tenya added.

"Damage from the fire has taken out the underground power lines, but luckily a backup generator is working." Yaoyorozu finished.

"This mall has 6 underground floors, what if we go down the central stairwell and search the first level B1 in teams, we can meet back at the stair 10 minutes later, then continue to sweep each floor until we find the person who needs to be rescued." Tsuyu suggested

"Hey, where are you going Kachaan?" Izuku asked confusingly.

"Where do you think, i'm gonna go track down the stupid citizen who didnt escape in time." Bakugo explained

"Wait a minute Bakugo kun, going off on your own ruins our cooperative efforts, we should do what Asui san proposes." Tenya lectured

"I told you to call me Tsuyu chan." Tsuyu corrected

"Uh..yes, as Tsuyu chan suggest." Tenya said in embarrassement.

''You idiots are the ones saying the search is a race against time, i'll find this dummy while you're still trying to figure out what to do, that's the real difference between you and me." Bakugo told them before walking inside.

"Yeah. Wait up man, it's dangerous to go alone." Kirishima said as he followed Bakugo from behind.

"Yeah, i guess we better go with him" Kaminari said as he followed Kirishima and Bakugo as well.

"Guys, we need some kind of plan." Izuku reminded them.

"We're good just meet us at the stairs in 10." Kirishima assured

"We'll make sure Bakugo's with us, probably." Kaminari added as they left

"I've been thinking about what quirks will complement each other, we can group Midoriya, Momotaros, Uraraka, and Asui, and Todoroki with Tokoyami, if everyone agrees with that, then Iida and I will make up the final pairing" Yaoyorozu explained.

"I see that's smart, each group is well balanced based on what our quirks can do? Asui we'll be able to navigate any terrain we might end up facing, Uraraka's zero gravity will be useful, and i'll provide power...with the four of us we could rescue someone even if they were stuck under a mountain of debris which might end up being the case. Likewise lida kun's got speed and Yaoyorozu has her versatile creation quirk, with their brains and abilities i have no doubt those two will solve any problem they might run into underground. And then there's the team of Todoroki and Tokoyami, Dark shadows search capabilities and strength are perfect for this, while Todoroki's half-cold half-hot wil be extremely handy in the disaster area, plus dark shadow's major weak point is that it's hard to control in the dark but the light from flames will keep him at bay, I can't believe she figured all this out so quickly, the only problem i can see is with us if the emergency power cuts out and everything goes black our group will be in the dark, none of the three of us can produce light but maybe if we were to..." Izuku muttered until suddenlly.

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