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With Aizawa and Ms. Joke.

We see the two teachers are continue watching their students at the stands.

"Hey Eraser, I'm guessing a lot of our kids will thinks it's important to finish fast, like the first once to pass will be ranked as the top, so they'll want to attack, immediately." Ms Joke analyzed.

"Yes, but teamwork is the key, the wise ones will cooperate and gather information together, but if there seduced by the urge to win and rush to get points, they'll end up exposing themselves, and then it's all over." Aizawa said while watching his students.

"None of our attacks are landing." Shikkui noticed

"I guess it's shouldn't be surprised UA won't go down without a fight." Shindo claimed

"Maybe not, but we have a plan." Shikkui assured as he starts stiffening his throwing balls.

"All done." Shikkui confirmed as he tossed the balls over to Tokeki.

"I'll take it from here, just try not to be jealous when I end up finishing before the rest of our class, but I'm sure you won't mind since I'll be reducing enemy numbers with this elegant attack, Target, lock on." Tokeki announced as he threw the balls into the ground.

"Cresent Moon Trajectory, my aim is always true, and since these projectiles are coming at them from underground, no one will have time to dodge." Tokeki informed.

"Where are they gonna come out!?" Izuku wondered looking down.

''How should I know? Those balls are now in underground, and we have no idea where those balls are going to pop out of!" Momotaros stated.

"Get Back, I'll handle this!" Kyoka reassured as she plugged her earlobes into her wrist amps.

"Sound amplification, Amplifire Jack: Heartbeat Distortion!" Kyoka announced as she punched her amps into the ground, and created a strong soundwave that created an earthquake cracking the ground in front of the Ketsubetsu Academy and scared Tokeki causing him to jumped out of the way.

"Nice one Kyoka chan!" Izuku praised as Kyoka replied Izuku with a thumbsup.

"She's breaking the ground apart, it won't help." Tokeki said as the stiffened balls shot out of the ground, just then Mineta looked up as he saw the balls are coming down towards him.

"They're coming straight towards me!" Mineta screamed panickly.

"Maximum strength and solubility, protect this perv, 'Acid Veil'!" Mina yelled as she created an umbrella of acid above Mineta, melting the balls before they hit him.

"Wow thanks, that's such a great move!" Mineta praised.

"It's my defensive special, that creates a melting wall?" Mina explained.

Back with Ms. Joke and Aizawa.

"So they've been working on ultimate moves already." Ms Joke noticed

"Yes, of course they have." Aizawa confirmed

With Tokoyami.

We see him summoning 'Dark Shadow' behind his back.

"Black Abyss!" Tokoyami announced as Dark Shadow began to cover him.

"Cooler name!" Momotaros praised.

''And easier to say" Izuku added.

"Now Dark Shadow, 'Piercing Twilight Claw'!" Tokoyami shout as Dark Shadow's hand aimed for Nakagame in a panic, she sunk her body Into her torso.

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