Chapter 11.

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~"The eyes tell more than words could ever say"

Siddharth's pov:

So... Avneet finally managed to take Bob back.  Damn that face she made I literally wasn't able to resist it and gave in.
"I can't sleep without him" was all she had to say in that small voice and I handed her her stuff toy back.

But there was something else in her eyes which I couldn't really catch, I don't know maybe iam overthinking but I always feel there is way more to this girl than she lets the world see.

"Avneet" Naira who was sitting on the couch laying  on her boyfriend's shoulder said quite abruptly making Avneet's head turn in her direction , who was sitting besides me on the grass infront of the couch.

"Naira" Avneet said in the same tone.

"Don't you think it's quite sunny today" she added looking at the sky

And Avneet nodded
"Yeah it is! Infact the afternoons are quite hot  for the regular weather at this time " she said agreeing
Naira then shifted her gaze back to Avneet and squinted her eyes
"Than why the hell are u always wearing these full sleeves clothes.?!" She said jumping and sitting straight looking at her.
She was right it wasn't even November yet and only the nights were cold it was a lot warm in the morning. "Um- actually" Avneet shifted nervously and i noticed her hand subconsciously reaching her left arm and fixing the sleeve their.

All three of us were looking at her intently while she fumbled with her words. "'s-it's just my style" Avneet said finally coming up with an excuse, and then swiftly got up and left.

Three of us shared a knowing look we knew she was lying but let it pass not wanting to force her.


Day 27 , 01:01 pm

"So all of you would have played the game of hide n seek when u were younger. You have to do something like that."
Anaya began reading as we all gathered in the living room for our new task.

"The housemates will be devided into two groups seekers and snitchs.
The snitches needs to hide before the buzzer goes out the seekers would be gathered in the bedroom while the snitches hide so that they don't see where they are hiding.

The seekers  who've caught maximum snitch and the snitches who managed to be hidden till the end will be the nominees for the position of our next prefect (captain).

Note: this isn't a group thing everyone is playing for there individual self in the task whom to support is completely your choice.

SEEKERS : Siddharth , Naira , Dane , Aditi , Rudra & Aryan.

SNITCH: Avneet , Kartik , Manan , Tanya , Ivaan & Anaya

Hope everyone will be giving there best the first person (snitch) caught will become the invigilator of the task.

Good luck Bigg Boss!

She completed reading

"ohk so technically Naira and Me are against Avneet and Kartik. " I said

"Well there are plenty other people you can catch other than us two " Kartik said

"Exactly why would you catch your own friends" Avneet barged in

"I didn't meant that-
I began

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